the end of the wedding.

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( Nathan pov)

I walk in to the hall Marshall follows me anxiously.

I open the hotel door and step out.

In to the car park.

" where are we going Nathan?"

Marshall asks. Hesitantly following me.

" I just need...... I'm sorry for hurting you the over day."
I say looking at the ground.
Once we are away from the hotel.
I truly am.

Mum has all was said the only way to get Marshall to listen is to hurt him like a bad bog.

But I know that I took it to fear.

" I know Nathan" Marshall said looking at the floor.

" I know your sick Marshall. And I what to help you" I say stepping closer to him.

I pull out the infection mum had given me.

" Nathan I'm not sick" Marshall said getting scared.

" yes you are and it ok Marshall we can help you" I say stepping closer to him. mum said he'd aced like this.

" no" he teared around starting to run.

I grade him pining he's tiny body to the ground.

" I'll help you Marshall mum will help you. your be all right"

" no Nathan no please don't let mum near me." He screams. Trying to get away from me. Tiers stream down he's face.
I look in to he's big eyes tiers stream dawn he's face.
"Nathan please get of me.... L-let me go p-pleas" he cried.
"Marshall it ok mum will help you get better."
He sobs. Crying obsessively.
" Nathan please let me go. Don't let them near me" he trys to get a way.
" I'm ok Marshall your be ok soon " I say
As I  put my hand over he's mouth and pouch the ingestion in to he's neck.

He struggles for a tho more second before passing out.

" this is for your one good. Your be beater once mum and dev help you."

I say picking him up.

and cary him to mums car.

Her and dev are waiting in the car.
Just like she said they would.

" well done Nathan. We can finely help him. You did good" mum smiles at me.

Finely I made her happy.

"Your going to help him right mum?" I ask laying him on the bake set.

" go enjoy your special night and I'll phones" mum said.

I don't like the way dev looks at Marshall.

But I know that this is the best for him I want him to be alright.

" ok phone me later." I say closing the door of the car.

As the car drove of white Marshall in it I had a sick filing.

But mum promised she'd help him and that all I want for him.
I walk back in to the hotel avoiding Curtis.
I think him and Marshall are together. But mum will stop that like she did last time.

I sit back down next to kate after giving her a little kiss.
God I love this woman I don't know what I'd white out her.

" what's the mater hun? " Kate asks me.

"Nothing... Just thinking that all" I smile at her.
Curtis heads for my table.
" will you dance with me? " I ask Kate trying to avoid Curtis as much as possible.
" of course" she said standing up.
I tack he's hand. As we head for the dance floor.
Curtis leaves.
Probably to find Marshall.

( Flash back Nathan's pov )

It could outside probably about -4 .
Me and mum and dev had just finished eating dinner.
Just the 3 of us Marshall couldn't eat with us.
Mum said he was having a bad day again.
That he's illness was really bad.
So he had to stay in he's room. Like all was.
I sat in front of the tv playing white a tho car's.
I hear Marshall scream in pain.
Dev is giving Marshall he's meds
Dev normally gives Marshall he's meds when he's hear.

I heard Marshall scream.

I look up at my mum as she sits at the table smoking a cigarette.

" mommy is Marshall going to be alright?" I asked.

She looked at me.

" keep watching the tv hunny"

" o ok mummy"

That makes me relies that every time I ask my mum if Marshall was going to be ok or if she was going to help him she'd avoid my question.

Had I just made a massive mistake.

The song ends and everyone claps for me and kate.

I smile at her. As I relies I need to get Marshall back.

" I'll be back in a minute hunny." I say kissing her.
I need to find Marshall.
And find out if he's ok.

( ok so this chapter was really hard to write.
I know it a little confusing but I wanted to do it from Nathan pov.
I will try and update soon 🙏
Please comment and like.
And thank you for reading 😘)

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