here we go

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( Curtis pov)

Dre said he's coming to pick us up to take us to the court house. 
Proof was going to come whit us and then dre way going to pic us up afterwards. 
Marshall's lawyer is going to meet us there.
Marshall hadn't eaten sins lunch time yesterday.
And he hadn't said anything all morning.
Proof had tried talking to him.
But he just seems distant and didn't say anything.
There's a knock on the door.
I tuck my tue and open the door.
" You ready to go. We don't want to be late" dre said standing on the front door step.
" yeah" I say. I turn to see proof well Marshall to the front door.
" Do you want to get him in the car? " I ask proof.
" of course.... Come on Marshall " he said willing Marshall to dre's car.
I lock the door and follow dre to he's car.

We arrive at the court house at 9:15.
Proof puts Marshall in he's wheelchair.
" wait.. I don't want to do this I can't do this please please don't make me do this I " Marshall cry grabbing proof's arm.
" I ok Marsh we're right here for you. We are not going to let them hurt you. Your going to be ok. Your strong. You can do this. " proof said wiping Marshall cheek.
" we got you baby" I say.
" ok " he wipers.
" let get this over whit.... We're see you soon dre" I say as we head to the big wooden doors.
Once we have sorted out paper work found Marshall lawyer we head to the room where the trial is being held.
I sit whit Marshall and he's lawyer.
Normally "friends " aren't allowed to sit whit the defendant but in this case I'm allowed.
Proof sits behind us along with a lot of people we don't know.
Lucky Marshall's mother or dev have not been brought out yet.
I grip Marshall's hand.
" we got you baby. No one is going to hurt you. Just not look at them ok" he nods while taking deep breaths to the and stay cram.
" it ok mr Mathers we shouldn't be long. I have auth evidence to make sure they go a way for a very long time. " Marshall lawyer Tim said looking thro he's papers.
Marshall just nods.
" all rise" a talk man yells. As the judge enters the room.
Here we go.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry it's short and not a lot happened.
I will up update the actual trial tomorrow. 😊
I hope your enjoying all the update😁
And not worry I haven't forgot about my over story I will update that after the trial chapter. 😊
Thanks for reading😘)

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