laying together

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( Curtis pov )

Me and Marshall lay together.

Marshall's head and chest on top of my Large chest. 

Still holding one of he's hands.

I can fill he's dried cum on he's chest. 

But it doesn't bother me. 

"Curtis are you still awake?" 


"Thank you for doing that"

"You don't have to thank me I'm you boyfriend naw. 

if you what me to have sex white you I'm all yours" I said and then kissed the top of he's head. 

"I love you Curtis...... and I'm so sorry you had to hear all of that" 

"Marshall hunny I I'm here if you need to talk about everything. 

And you don't have to hide anything from me.

I got your back if you need me." 

........."thanks.........the things she did to me and my brother .......I I just can't see haw she could do that to anyone...... I not know" the saddens in he's voice broke my hart. 

I kissed the top of he's head again and gave him a gentle squeeze. 

" is she why you have nightmares?" I sake rubbing he's back soothingly. 

"Yer .....I didn't what to tell you because..... I don't know hard to talk about..... because they flash in my mind and I can see it" he said 

I could feel tears fall on to my chest. 

"Shit the amount of times I've cried the past week" he said wiping he's eyes.

"It's ok to cry you have been through a lot" 

"I don't want to cry anymore.... "

I kissed the top of he's head. 

"Every thing will be ok Marshall I promise we will get over hills and mountains and whatever life throws at us because we got each over"I said.

He kissed my naked chest. 

"I love you so much it's so strange it like I can't explain you mean the world to me I'm sorry I didn't trust you. 

I I need you more then anything"  he said nuzzling in to my chest

"I need you to Marshall" I said as sleep creeped up on me. 

(Marshall POV )

I feel Curtis breathing become steady. 

That tells me he's asleep. 

I lay on he's chest in he's arms. 

It had such a safe and loving filling to it. 

I kiss he's chest and close my eyes for tho seconds. 

"Marshall Marshall" I open my eyes to see my mother standing over me I'm laying on the floor of the trailer I grow up in. 

I scream and scrambled backwards away from her she grabbed my legs and dragged me back to her I screamed and tried to get away. She hit me in the face and then in my chest repeatedly I scream at the top of my lungs. 

"Please leave me alone no not touch me" 

she drags me by my wrist to the tiny bathroom. 

I managed to get out of her grip I ran screaming " CURTIS HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME" I just get out of the door. When she grabs my hair and drags me back to the tiny bathroom. and posh my head in to the bath that is filled with water. 

I can't breathe as my lungs fill with water. I kicked and tried get away from her as she dug her nails in to the bake of my neck I tried to get away from her. But my body was getting weak. As the water filled my lungs everything when dark. 

Two hands shock me and I opened my eyes. 

To look at Curtiss worded face, I'm shaking. 

And I could breathe I took large gulps of air.

We are on the floor and everything hurts. 

"Marshall baby can you hear me say something" I look up at him tears roll down my face. (again) I am a mess I always been a mess. 

But naw Curtis can see haw much of a mess I am.

I hugged him tight and sobbed in to he's chest.

He holds my close and keeps telling me "it's going to be ok .....I love you .......

I got you one can hurt you"

I just sob hard and shake.

"I'm going to put you on the bed ok" he said as he picked me up. 

I just klinged to him to afraid that if I let go I will return to my nightmare.

He placed me on the bed gently. 

We lay down together, the bed side lamp was still on. 

He raps he strong and protective arms around me. 

"It going to be ok I promise she can't hurt you naw ..I will never let her hurt You no one will ever hurt you again" 

I pouched my body close to he's to try and release some of the pain my body and mind was going through. 

He kissed the top of my head and that when I relied the he was the one to save me from my nightmare. 

I look up at him and placed my shaking lips to he's. I poll away and pot my face in he's chest. "Do you what to take about it" he asked 

"No I can you just try and help me relax. 

I'm exhorted but I'm afraid to go to sleep.. can you help me" I ask my voice just a whisper.  It hurt to even take,

I not know why my body hurt so much. 

"Of course "

He rubbed my back and held one of my hands with he's over hand ever now and then he'd kiss the pot of my head and tell me haw much he love me. 

Until I feel asleep in he's protected arms.

(Thank for reading commenting and liking.😘
I will try and update later.)

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