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S O O - Y O U N G

Yesterday after my break, I called Wendy and asked if I could finish the rest of my work at home. I know I was supposed to ask Mr.Kim but, I didn't want to be near him at the time. Wendy so kindly asked him for me and she said he didn't have a problem with it. So I did.

I drove to my cousin's house, hoping he was home. Sadly, He was still at work but, Vernon let me in. He comforted me yesterday while I cried in his arms which I was very thankful for. He didn't ask me what was wrong because he knew that I would just cry even more so, he just let me stay at their place until I stopped crying.

Today was my day off but, I still had to take care of some paper work and emails for the son of a bi–I mean, my boss. I just finished getting ready for the day and I decided to go out and get some breakfast with Vernon.

 I just finished getting ready for the day and I decided to go out and get some breakfast with Vernon

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[ This is her fit, she looks so good omg! ]

He insisted on driving so, he should be here any minute to pick me up. I grabbed my purse before heading out. I open the door while unlocking my phone so that I could text him. I suddenly come in contact with something hard and furrow my brows as I look up in confusion.

"What the..."I mumbled.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He chuckled while looking down at me and petting my head.

I nod while letting out a laugh.

"You didn't have to come up, you could've waited for me in the car." I tell him.

"Just wanted to surprise you." He shrugs with a smile.

We get into the elevator and he presses the button for the main floor.

"I'm starving." I spoke while walking out of the elevator with Vernon.

"So am I, where do you wanna go?" He ask as we're walking out of the entrance and into the parking lot.

"Donatello!" I say with excitement and he smiles.

"I knew you'd say that." He says while we get into his white BMW.

As we exit the parking lot of my apartment I get a text from someone.

Stupid Boss:
How do you expect to finish the paperwork if you leave the files here?

There was a picture attached to the text. It was of a folder being held in his hand.

"Oh shit." I say out loud.

"What happened?" Vernon asks.

"I left something at the office, do you think we can stop by real quick before we get breakfast?" I ask him.

"Yeah, for sure." He responds with a nod.

"Sorry, I left as fast as I could and didn't realize that I left it." I explained to him.

"It's fine." He reassures me.

"Thank you." I tell him as he makes a right turn towards the area of the office.

Minutes later, the big grey building comes into view and he parallel parks in the empty spot near the curb.

"I'll be quick, don't worry." I tell him as I get out of the car.

"Take your time." He laughs as he watches me scurry off into the spinning doors.

I say hello the security guards before scanning my card and getting into the elevator. I look at my reflection through the mirrors that were in the elevator and notice my casual appearance. I've only ever came here in business attire and heels. I hope Mr.Kim doesn't mind. What the hell am I even talking about? I shouldn't even care. The elevator doors open and I walk towards his office. I knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear him say.

I open the door and he's already looking my way.

"Well if it isn't Ms.Park." He says with a smirk.

I walk towards him with a blank expression and hold my hand out, "The folder, please" I tell him.

"You look good." He says while handing me the navy blue folder.

"Th–thanks." I stutter from his words that caught me off guard.

"Have a great day." He smirks at my nervousness.

"You too." I mumble back and turn on my heels, quickly walking towards the door.

I hear him whistle as I close the door and once I shut it, I let out a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding in. He's acting like yesterday didn't even happen. He shouldn't be acting like this towards me if he's engaged. Stupid bi–The elevator door opens and I get in.

I exit the building and Vernon is leaning on the passenger side door. He spots me walking towards him.

"You really ran?" He asks while putting both of his hands on either sides of my cheek.

I nod while catching my breathe. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

He chuckles while shaking his head, "Did you get what you needed?"

"Yup." I say while holding up the folder.

He smiles while opening my door, motioning me to get in. I smile back at him as I get into my seat. He shuts my door before going around, to the driver's side and getting in.


I let out a whistle as I watch her walk out. I let out a laugh after she shuts the door. She sure did look nice in that outfit. I bite my lip as I imagine her body in that tight skirt and cropped top.

I stand up and lean my forearm on the glass window, waiting to see her walk out. She comes into view moments later and I see her walk up to a guy who was leaning against a car. I watch as he puts his hands on her face and it angered me to see someone else giving her affection. I should be the only man to be able to do that to her.

I can see her smile at him and I clench my jaw. Someone else is making her smile like that. I watch as they drive off and my hands turn into fists. She's going somewhere, with some other guy, and they're alone? I wanted to follow them and see what they were up to but I had to eat lunch with my parents and the Yoon family which i was dreading.

oof what do you think is gonna happen? is there gonna be another fight? is vernon gonna swoop in and take soo-young?

Mr.Kim || Mingyu ~ On goingWhere stories live. Discover now