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S O O - Y O U N G

As I cautiously take the baked salmon out of the oven, the doorbell rings and echoes through the large home. Shit. They're here. I hear Mingyu's footsteps coming down the stairs and I try to be real careful with the hot pan in my shaking hands.

I place it down on the island so that I can shut the oven door before bringing it out onto the dining table. I am currently freaking the fûck out. Get it together, bîtch. I quickly run back inside the kitchen to grab the wine and the pitcher of water from the fridge.

"Mom. Dad." Mingyu started off, "This is my girlfriend, Soo-young." He finishes.

Both his parents look at me with a smile while I greet them with a bow. Once I straighten my posture, Mingyu's mother pulls me into a hug which catches me by surprise.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She says before pulling away.

"Mom.." Mingyu gives his mother a look.

"You're absolutely stunning!" His mother ignores him.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you as well Mrs.Kim." I kindly smile at her, "Please, have a seat." I gesture her towards the dining table.

Once they both take their seats, Mingyu starts to have a conversation with them while I return to the kitchen to grab the rest of the food. His parents seem very friendly and sweet which took away some of my nerves. I quietly took my seat and Mrs.Kim smiles.

"Wow, it smells amazing!" She compliments.

"Thank you, Soo-young and I prepared this." Mingyu speaks for me.

"It looks delicious." Mr.Kim comments.

I shyly smile at their kind words and Mingyu announces that we should start eating. The four of us began to fill our plates and all you could hear was our silverware clanking against the glass plates.

"So, how did you two meet?" His mother spoke up.

I stopped chewing my food and turned to look at Mingyu. The both of us looked at each other with wide eyes. What is he going to tell her?

"Uh, I met her through a friend." He answered.

She smiles at his answer. "What do you do for a living, Soo-young?" Mr.Kim now asks.

Panic started to kick in and I just stared down at my plate. I take a gulp before answering her, "I work for a company" I tell her vaguely.

Mingyu places his hand on mine which causes me to look up at him. He gives me a reassuring smile before nodding his head at me.

"She actually works for me." He spoke. "She's my assistant." He adds.

"Oh honey, that's so sweet!" His mom gushes.

I let out an inaudible sigh of relief. Oh, thank god. I can't help but smile at how happy she looked. I was expecting for his parents to go berserk. 

"That's why you looked familiar!" His father exclaims.

"I'm glad that you guys approve of our relationship." Mingyu told his parents.

"Of course we support this, she seems to make you happy and you're old enough to make your own decisions." His mother rubs his back comfortingly.

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