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there's going to be some smut in this chapter so be prepared to skip or read it lmao, it's totally up to u. also, mingyu is a very fine specimen. that is all.

 that is all

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S O O - Y O U N G

Last night, Mingyu and I were on the phone for about an hour or two because he was explaining what had happened during lunch yesterday. Long story short, everything went surprisingly well and he wants me to formally meet his parents soon.

That's pretty nerve wracking if you ask me. Mingyu had told them my name which his mother thought it sounded pretty. By what he's told me, she seemed very supportive of this relationship. Maybe it's because she doesn't know that I work for him yet...

Whatever, that's not important right now. What's important is this meeting that I will be attending with Mr.Kim himself. A couple people from the marketing team had to go over some advertisement plans for the car and Mingyu had to pick three out of the seven ideas.

Right now, Mingyu was sitting at the head of the table while I sat to the left of him. I was jotting some information down in my notebook when I feel a hand softly land on my thigh. I stop writing and look down to see Mingyu's hand resting on my exposed skin.

I look back up at the presentation, ignoring his touch and focusing on what the woman was saying. I feel his hand trail up my thigh and my skirt starts to rise slowly. I bite down on my tongue and try to fight the urge from my eyes going wide out of shock.

*light smut below*

You fûcker, don't you dare. I try to spin my chair away from him but his knee stops my chair from moving. This bi–He puts his pointer finger up to his lips, doing a 'shh' gesture and before I knew it, he began to rub me through my lace thong.

I go to push his hand away but that only causes him stick two fingers in me. I lightly jump in my seat but thankfully everyone was paying attention to the lady who was doing her powerpoint presentation, they didn't even notice what was going on behind them.

The lady looked back towards us and I quickly gained my composure and began to write something down on a new page. I quickly scribbled "STOP IT!" and gave Mingyu a death glare. He read it and grinned at me innocently, as if he was doing nothing wrong.

 He read it and grinned at me innocently, as if he was doing nothing wrong

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He continued to do his little deed that was far from innocent and I began to struggle. I was biting down on my lip, holding back a moan and harshly gripping down on the arm of the chair. I began to squirm in my seat and Seokmin noticed how antsy I was being.

He gave me a slight look of concern and mouthed an, "Are you okay?" towards me. I gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded my head. Thankfully, he was sitting across from me otherwise he would have probably seen what was going on.

Mingyu sped up his pace and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan though, I faked a cough and no one seemed to suspect a thing. Oh for fûcks sake. He let a straight face the entire time. I let out another fake cough and the lady doing her presentation stops to look at me.

*end of smut*

"Are you okay, Ms.Park?" She asks, with the same concerning tone as Seokmin's.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me." I push Mingyu's hand out and stand up from my seat.

I bow and quickly pull my skirt down to fix it and then exit the meeting room. Once I'm out of sight, I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in. That asshole. I'm going to get him back later. I sigh and walk to the nearest bathroom to clean myself up.

Once I walked back into the meeting room, everyone had just finished packing up. All seven of them bid Mr.Kim and I a goodbye before leaving the room. It was just Mingyu and I now. I glare up at him while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh, don't give me that look." He said, "You we're enjoying that."

I scoff and hit him in the chest.

"What?" He laughs, "It's true. You were so wet for me." He smirks.

"I hate you." She shakes her head at him.

"Sure you do, sweetheart." He snorts.

"I'm going on my lunch break." I grab a hold of my belongings.

"I'll see you in a bit, Ms. Park." He whispers into my ear before walking out of the room.

I'm left in the quiet room. Slightly turned on. Slightly dumbfounded.

"I should introduce you to my parents." Mingyu says to me.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure your parents would love to hear that you're involved with your assistant." I say sarcastically to him.

"I don't care, I'm happy with you and that's all that matters." He looks at me, "I'll be by your side no matter what."

I smile up at him. What did I do to deserve this man?

"Fine." I give in.

He smiles widely at me, "Great! I'll plan everything with them, don't you worry about a thing." He plants a kiss on my forehead.

I really hope they like me. I'm afraid that they'll be so against our relationship. Let's just hope for the best, Soo-young.

hey everyone! i'm sooooo sorry for not updating in a while, i was planning on publishing a chapter each day of this week but i've been stressing over prom which is literally this week. i'm lowkey sunburnt from trying to get rid of my tan lines 🤧 pray for ya girl.

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