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S O O - Y O U N G

Not much happened at work today. I took care of emails the entire day and Mr.Kim was mostly in the shop, working on the car. I even filled out the planner for the next two weeks. It was a pretty relaxing day at work.

The girls were staying over tonight. We were waiting for Vernon to come get us. He was going to meet his friend at a bbq restaurant and since the club that we were going to was nearby, he insisted on giving us a ride there. Hopefully he doesn't scold me for what I'm wearing.

"Wow, you look sexy!" Yeri smirked at me.

"She's not wrong." Seulgi says, agreeing with her.

Vernon called to tell me that he was outside so, we grabbed our things and left my apartment. Our heels clicked against the sidewalk as we all got into his car. I put my seatbelt on since I was in the passenger seat and I can already feel Vernon's gaze on me.

"I see so much skin!" He scolds me.

I just smiled sheepishly at him which caused him to narrow his eyes at me before continuing to drive us to our destination.

We were waiting in line, near the entrance when Seulgi nudged me.

"Am I going crazy...or is that Mr.Kim over there?" She whispers to me while staring ahead.

Mingyu? Here? At a club? I move to the side and I see him standing there but, he's not alone. He's with So-rim. The smile that was once on my face disappeared. I watch as he walks into the club with her and they disappear from my sight.

[ This is her reaction and how she looked like but let's pretend her hair is still red ]

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[ This is her reaction and how she looked like but let's pretend her hair is still red ]

That was really him. He's actually here right now. Great! Love that for myself!


So-rim drags me along with her as we enter the club. Sungcheol was having his birthday party here and So-rim was invited. I was her plus one. As much as I didn't want to be here, my father had told me that it would be a good idea to come. I just followed his orders to make him happy.

She greets Seungcheol with a hug before handing him his gift and wishing him a happy birthday. We squeeze into the booth and he gives me a nod as a greeting.

I return one back to him with a tight-lipped smile. How lovely is it that I'm here at a club, with a girl that I have to act in love with, while celebrating my ex-friends' birthday.

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