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S O O - Y O U N G

I was supposed to go to work today, but Mingyu had informed me that he would be at the workshop to work on the car. He basically is giving me another day off which I really didn't mind at all.

I was at my cousins' house again, waiting for Vernon to finish getting ready. I drove here at eight thirty this morning. I'm always at their house, I remember them telling me that I should just move in with them. It sounds like so much fun and I love them all so much but, I just wanted to live on my own. It made things easier because I don't have to depend on anyone.

Right as Vernon came downstairs, I finished the bowl of strawberries that I made myself. I threw the paper bowl away before following Vernon out to his car. We were on our way to a hair salon because Vernon had an appointment.

When we got out of the car, Vernon looked at my outfit and his eyes widened.

"Hey, what did I say about showing skin?!" He scolded, referring to the exposed skin of my stomach.

"Sorry.." I smiled at him sheepily.

He scoffed, "Aren't you cold? Do you need my jacket?" He offered.

"I'm fine, Vernon." I laughed at him.

I hear him let out a sigh before we walk into the shop. The employees greeted us and Vernon walked up to his hair dresser.

"형! (Hyung)" Vernon greets the man who seemed to look a couple years older than him.

"How's it going, man?" He embraces Vernon into a bro hug.

"I'm doing great, I brought my bestfriend along with me today." Vernon tells him while pointing towards me.

I bow my head to him, "안녕하세요. (Hello)" I greet him.

He smiles at me, "I'm Jun. Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand politely.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Jun. I'm Soo-young." I introduce myself.

"Wow, what a pretty name for a pretty girl." He comments which causes me blush. Vernon playfully whacks him in the stomach and Jun chuckles.

"You wanted a trim you said?" Jun spoke, changing the subject and paying attention to Vernon.

"Yeah, just trim the sides and a little bit of my bangs." Vernon told him and he nods.

"What about you, Soo-young? Do you want anything done to your hair?" Jun asks me while setting up his station for Vernon's haircut.

I just shrug, I wasn't planning on getting anything done. I just came along for company. Jun looks at me for a second to observe my look.

"I think you'd look good as a red head." He says.

"I've never colored my hair before, so I don't know..." I trailed off.

"Maybe we can bleach some of the strands and see how you feel about them?" He suggests and I nod, liking the idea. Jun calls over one of the employees and tells her what to do. She nods and walks away to grab a few things before starting on my hair.

She applied a substance to some of my strands and wrapped it in a foil that hairdressers always use when coloring hair. We let that sit in my hair for twenty minutes before she washed my hair and dried it with a blow dryer.

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