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"But, father–" I try to protest.

"Make sure to clear your schedule next week, we have lots of things to discuss." He tells me while getting up and walking towards the door.

I have not choice but to obey his orders, "Yes, father." I tell him as he leaves.

Once he's out of sight, I let out a sigh and close my eyes to try and process this through. This can't be happening. What am I gonna do?! As if I am not already in a bad mood, So-rim comes in with the biggest grin on her face.

"Hi honey!" She greets me happily while hugging me tightly.

I just stood still and made a face. If she doesn't get off of me right now, I–

"I'm here to give you your ring!" She gushed.

I watch as she takes a black velvet box out of her purse and she opens it up to reveal my shiny wedding band. I see that she's already wearing her engagement ring which causes me to roll my eyes.

"Why do I need to wear this?" I ask her with a hint of disgust laced in my voice.

"Because we need proof to back up the story." She says in a duh tone.

I just stare at her with a 'you're kidding' face but she ignores the look and quickly slides the ring onto my finger. She squeals in happiness as she glances at our ring finger.

"Good morning, Mr.Kim!" I hear Soo-young's voice fill the room.

My heart stops for a second and I could feel my stomach drop down to my toes. Oh shit.

"So-rim is here too!" So-rim chirps and Soo-young's head whips towards our direction.

"Oh, hello Ms.Yoon." She bows to her politely.

"Oh please, call me Mrs.Kim." So-rim tells her while smirking slightly.

Soo-young gives the girl a confused look. She then glances at me for a second before looking back at So-rim. She had the look of 'what's she doing here?' and I gulp hard.

"I just wanted to visit my fiancé for a bit." She says while holding onto me.

"Your what?" She asks in disbelief.

"Oh he didn't tell you? We're engaged!" She says while holding up my hand next to her own.

"Oh...c–congratulations." She gives us a weak smile.

"Why thank you! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to leave for my nail appointment." So-rim beams with joy.

She gives me a quick peck on the cheek before saying goodbye and walking out of my office. I'm staring straight ahead, afraid to make eye contact with Soo-young. I can see her taking a seat at her desk from the corner of my eye.

We've been working in silence for an hour now and it's scaring me. Her eyes have been glued to her laptop and planner this whole entire time and I just want her to say something to me. Anything. I clear my throat and finally get the courage to look at her.

"Soo-young, could you get me a cup of coffee please?" I ask her.

She pauses for a second before getting up and leaving the room. She doesn't even give me a glance. Fuck. I want to tell her that it's just an arranged marriage but I remember what my father told me.

Mr.Kim || Mingyu ~ On goingWhere stories live. Discover now