{2} Reassure

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Adasia's POV

It physically hurt me to see Skylar break down like this. In a way, I was relieved; this was the first time in the nine months I'd known Skylar that she'd actually let down her forces and cried. Even through the deepest crap in the past, Skylar had always been the crutch for our small group of friends, the one who reassured us, the leader, the babysitter of us less mature teens. 

But it was times like this when I realized the thing I'd always unconsciously known; Skylar had a breaking point. Of course, she hardly ever showed it, rarely let herself be known as anything but a sturdy, hard, cold emotional being who still managed to be a good friend. She was like a cactus -- untouchable and painful if you became too close to her, but stab something past all those thorns and her emotional juice would pour out, slowly but steadily.

Skylar shifted her stance so she was sitting on the ground, and immediately I wrapped my arms around her. She stiffened; after all, Skylar was untouchable although approachable, but after a second of reluctance she melted into my embrace and began crying into my shoulder.

As I listened to Skylar's sobs, my own tears threatened to spill, but I blinked furiously in an effort to stay strong. Skylar has to do this every day, every moment we lose someone, every second of each horrible day, and she stays empty; a blank slate, I reminded myself. It was true. For once, I had to return the favor to Skylar, and become her human crutch.

"Why'd it have to be Isaac?" Skylar whispered, and I glanced down quickly, holding my breath. I was shocked. Skylar hadn't uttered our friend's name for three months, not since his life was taken by that horrible monster of a person. I trembled as I thought of him -- not from fear, but rage.


"Isaac! Come back!" I yelled, furiously chasing after my friend. Skylar hurried after me, but with her injured leg there was only so far she could go. Ignoring her groans as she struggled to push through the wind, I sped up, my eyes focused only on Isaac as he continued to run.

Finally he stopped in his tracks, and I crashed into him. I let out of a sigh of relief, and was about to wrap my arms around him and lead the poor kid away when I realized he was facing upwards, staring at something with amusement etched across his face. Wondering what he was looking at, I glanced up, and my breath got caught in my throat. There he was.

"I-Isaac," I stuttered fearfully, grabbing his arm and yanking on it as I tried to lead the boy away. I glanced back at Skylar who was trying to limp towards us, but she was far away. My heart began beating quickly in my chest. Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.

If only that stupid bitch hadn't hurt Skylar. She would've easily caught up, and would've been able to persuade... to hypnotize Isaac into coming back with us, back home to the school where we belong. But Skylar was nothing if not sickly;  her cheeks were sunken in, her normally bright eyes empty, her pale skin even lighter. She'd never make it in time.

"Please, Isaac," I begged desperately, continuously trying to drag Isaac along with me. It did nothing; Isaac wouldn't and couldn't break out of his trance as he continued to stare upwards at the horrible monster. As the shadow that loomed over us increased in size, I bit my lip nervously. He was coming closer, soaring above our heads.

"Isaac, you've had us worried for months! You disappeared, wouldn't answer our calls. We hoped, we spent nights on end trying to see if Ryan could contact you telepathically. Nothing! But then one day we go out on a mission to recollect food and we see you.." I trailed off, terror paralyzing me. I would say anything and everything to get Isaac moving, but he was coming too close, coming too fast.

Desperately I glanced back at Skylar, who was now trying to run towards us, but as she stopped to breath every second or so I realized that if Skylar continued coming towards us I may have placed a sign above her head that said "Please, freezing air, murder me." And then I would've lost two friends.

I shook my head at Skylar, ignoring the angry look she sent me. I gave her one back, hoping it was enough for her to get the message and not come any closer.

For a second it felt like time had slowed down. It was just me, looking at the friend I had only known for half a year and yet would trust with my life. Staring at her with a worried look on my face, foolishly not noticing what was about to happen. Until it did.

~End of Flashback~

"I think... I think I'm okay now," Skylar whispered as she looked up at me, tear stains shining on her face and her eyes still watery. I smiled softly at her, hoping to soothe her nerves, and nodded. "Good."

We both stood up, and Skylar leaned on me. I didn't complain; after all, she was broken, and I had to be the person to fix her.

"What do you think the others are doing?" she whispered softly in my ear. I tried not to shiver as I thought about her incredible voice; it was dripping with charm and practically reeked of hypnosis. I wondered how for the first month I'd met her I hadn't realized what her power was. Even her voice revealed it.

"Probably wondering what in the world we've been doing in here. After all, we've been practicing for --" I checked the wrist (it had no watch on it), estimated, and raised my eyebrows, "--two hours."

Skylar sighed, as if reluctant to go to our friends. I gave her a small smile, trying to put meaning into the words, and I led her out the door and into the hallway.

~|Fun Fact: Isaac was MIA (Missing In Action) for two months until Skylar and Adasia saw him. They were the only two who, during this time, believed he was still alive.|~

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