{42 ENDING} Just

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Skylar's POV

I cursed loudly as red lights began blinking from the ceiling up and down the hallway we were perched in. Jackson dropped the phone into his pocket and looked around, his eyes widening.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking confused and worried. I shrugged and grabbed his wrist. "I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. Let's find Jason and get out of here."

He agreed silently and we continued rushing past the tiles, our feet the only sounds in the echoing hallway besides the annoying bells. Every time we spotted a door, we'd open it. There were skeletons, dead bodies, food, and prisoners in many of the cells, but no Jason.

Finally we reached the last door of the third floor and Jackson swung it open. Just like all the others, it was surprisingly unlocked. We had realized that the doors -- some were barred -- were only able to be opened from the hallway. You couldn't break them down from the inside, either, because they were obviously enchanted.

Jackson stuck his head in through the doorway, and then jumped away. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and I questioned what was wrong. He just pointed in the room like he'd seen a ghost.

Cautiously I peered in and immediately gasped.

Laying in the middle of the room, side by side, were two people. One was a young teenage girl. She was malnourished and had a skinny, wiry body. The other was very, very clearly Jason. His black glasses were crooked against his face, and his eyes were shut tightly as if he had been fearing a horrible impact. One of his hands was clenched tightly inside the girl's. I stepped backwards slowly, feeling as if I were intruding in a special moment.

"Angelica," Jackson whispered, moving forward next to me. I gulped and turned my head away. "Let's get out of here," I mumbled, clutching onto his shirt. He nodded quickly and spun our bodies around.

"There's a window over here. We can jump out. I'll keep us safe."

I opened my eyes to see the glass that Jackson was speaking about. Suddenly filled with a compelling wish to get out of there as fast as I could, I pulled the fire extinguisher out of its holder -- there was, surprisingly, no glass to protect it -- and threw it at the window. The glass shattered and fell to the floor in tiny pieces.

Being careful not to chip my finger on the framework, I carefully lowered myself out the hole so the only thing keeping me from falling to the ground were my fingers, clutching the edge of the window tightly. Jackson leaned out above me and waved his hands a bit, then nodded for me to drop.

I let go of the framework, and squealed as I immediately began falling through the air. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact, and only opened them when I appeared to not have hit the ground. Sure enough, I was floating just an inch above the ground before Jackson allowed me to fall completely.

Just a second later, he landed next to me and we both scrambled to our feet.

"Where are they?" I questioned him. He pointed forward, and I looked over to see Asia, Rhyme, and Mia crowding around Echo, who appeared to be unconscious on the ground.

I rushed forward and knelt down next to the brunette. She was laying on her stomach with her hands laying by the sides of her waist. Asia had her hands covering the area that was obviously the wound, and blood was gorging out like a water fountain, completely coating Asia's hands and Echo's shirt. I flinched.

"How long does she have before, you know?" I asked, my stomach queasy. Asia shook her head, looking worried.

"Not long enough. We have to get her out of here, and quickly. There's some medical supplies at the school, but they'll suspect we're there after awhile. I say we head there quickly and grab some stuff, then find shelter somewhere else."

I nodded slowly.

"So, it's really true. Nobody else is alive..."

They all shook their heads.

"Not apparently," Asia whispered quietly.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to control my breathing. But as I began to think about my worries, my heartbeat increased and so did my stress.

"Where will we go? What will we do?"

Asia sighed.

"I have no idea."

But then she looked up, her eyes fierce.

"What I do know, is that we're on our own now."


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