{30} Terrible

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Echo's POV

I pushed past the crowd -- they were all more than happy to let me through -- to see what was going on. Why my roommate had suddenly passed out on the floor, why everyone was circled around that one lunch table.

As I came closer, I saw a piece of paper sticking up from Adasia's hand. She was staring at it; in fact, everyone was.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at it through the silence. Asia (were we at nicknames in our friendship?) jumped at my voice, and her face turned red as she tried to hide the photo behind her back. I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously I've already seen it, Adasia."

Her face turned even brighter but she carefully brought her arm out and, hand shaking, gave me the photo. I stared at it a few times before glaring at everyone around me.

"Is this a joke?!" I snapped.

Normally I was introverted. Normally I would've kept quiet, or hidden in the bathroom like I did at public school when I was bullied.

But this was not cool.

The picture was one that Sky had taken of me and Samantha with our arms around each other, sitting on the bed in the dorm. Skylar was, of course, the one who introduced me to Sam.


"What? Roommate?" I asked as Skylar continued to pull me down the hallway. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, stupid-head. As soon as your class is chosen, you're given a dorm to sleep in. Which includes a roommate."

I furrowed my eyebrows nervously.

"What if she isn't nice? What if she doesn't like me? What if--"

I gasped.

"What if my roommate is a boy?!"

Skylar snorted, but then looked embarrassed of the non-ladylike noise. Instantly, she covered it up with a cough.

"You'll be fine, Echo. Samantha Greene is really cool. You'll like her. You two will be fast friends, I just know it. Probably faster than you and me. Besides, Samantha Greene is so excited to see you."

She winked at me, but I still felt unsure despite her joking tone.

"Yeah, I guess.. why do you keep calling her 'Samantha Greene'? Why not just Samantha, or Sammy or somethin'? Is there more than one Samantha here?"

For a second she looked taken aback.

"Because... because, well... dang it, Echo! I don't know! Everybody calls her Samantha Greene. I mean, a few people call her Sam, but everyone knows her as Samantha Greene. It's one of those first name - last name combinations that sound better together, y'know? Like, even Jason calls her Ms. Samantha Greene in classes, because Ms. Greene just sounds so... not her..."

I nodded slowly. "Okay, I guess? Can I just get this over with?"

Skylar was more than happy to fulfil my request, because she began pulling me even faster and soon we'd reached a door labeled:

'Dorm 26

Samantha Greene - Echo Mawlkin'

I stared at it for a moment before blinking.

"Huh." It wasn't a question.

Skylar groaned before pulling the door open. Immediately a slender girl with hazel colored hair and chocolate eyes was revealed, sitting on the bed with her hands clasped tightly in her lap.. When she saw me, she jumped up.

"Echo!" she squealed.

I gave her a smile, but it was an anxious one.

I wasn't sure if I trusted her. Sure, Skylar liked her, and I already knew I liked Skylar, but...


Remembering my sister telling me to 'step out of my comfort zone,' I reached forward and pulled Samantha Greene into a side-hug. She squeezed back tightly, and I was blinded by a light as Skylar took a Polaroid photo.

Where she pulled that camera out of, I had no idea.

Carefully, the picture floated to the floor, and I picked it up, smiling.

Maybe I will become friends with Samantha Greene.

~End of Flashback~

Normally, I would've found it disconcerting that it was stuck to Sam's tray, an action stuck in time forever.

But it wasn't disconcerting.

It was disgusting.

On the picture, Sam's head was circled with red, an 'X' in the middle.

Mine had a circle in black with the strange word. 'TITO.'

Immediately I knew what this was.

It was a message.

A message telling someone to hurt Samantha Greene.

A/N: Mm, who do you think it was? I'll give you onneee guess...

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