{34} Hesitated

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Mia's POV

I was sitting at a table, reading a book as I listened to music, when an ear-splitting scream echoed down the halls, filling the lunchroom. Immediately everyone silenced and looked up, faces confused and possibly slightly frightened. 

I turned to Rhyme, who was sitting next to me. She gulped, and I knew immediately what she was worried about.

Another Sam situation?

I stood up, but I'd barely taken a step when more screams echoed. This time, at least three or four. Instantly we were all running out of the room, trying to see what was going on.

I wished I had stayed in the lunchroom.

The hallway was completely destroyed. Paintings were off their hinges, flung on the carpet which was stained crimson (blood?) and ripped up to shreds. Feet pounded from behind a corner, and I peeked my head around the wall. 

It was chaos.

Dozens of kids were yelling at each other, hitting others.

Most of them I didn't recognize. 

Some of them I did. 

Behind bodies, hidden behind corners and being smacked or killed were people I knew.

Luke seemed to be battling a boy my age with blonde hair. The kid seemed to have... electricity powers? Every second he shocked Luke, who was concentrating. Once in awhile the boy would slump over, as Luke was making him do, but than someone else would run over and touch his back and he would jump up and continue battling. 

Bodies seemed to be flying everywhere, and green gas filled the room. It was spilling out of a teenager's hands. 

Suddenly I knew what this was.

An attack. A siege.

I ran forward, screaming bloody murder before punching a kid in the head. He spun around, glaring madly as he clutched the side of his skull. I watched, horrified, as a limb seemed to grow out of his head. Then, another out of his chest, ripping through his gray shirt and twisting as it tried to reach out at me. 

Shrieking, I pulled away and called out for help. Instantly Rhyme was next to me, vines spewing from her arms and wrapping around the closest body. A boy with black hair began squirming as the greens tried to hold him to the ground, and I frowned as his eyes glowed red before a red liquid seemed to fall out of his tear ducts, dripping onto his clothes and the vines. Instantly everything burst into flame as if gasoline had been poured over them.

I was about to make the heat-vision kid regret his actions with some head-splitting music when I heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. I turned, not surprised, to see Ryan slashing at the boy with the extra limbs. One by one, the arms were sliced off, and the kid was writhing on the ground, yelling for help as blood poured from the open wounds. 

At first I thought he was a goner, but then more limbs grew; this time, legs. They kicked Ryan in the fact, and he stumbled back. I gritted my teeth and shrieked out loud, modifying the sound so that it didn't affect anyone but the boy, whose eyes widened before he blacked out. Without hesitating, Ryan swung the sword down and I winced as the boy's head was dismembered from his body, the mouth open. 

Ryan panted, wiping his bloody hands on his pants, before thanking me and rushing into the rest of the chaos. I followed, a bit reluctant.

On either side of me, yells and screams seemed to pour out. I gasped at the sight of Shimmer laying on the ground, her throat completely caved in as if someone had squeezed it until she suffocated, but then completely ruined her neck. Her eyes were glazed over, staring forward blankly. The skin on her face was already turning ashen; Shimmer was dead. I swallowed the lump in my throat, realizing that it was real.

People were dying.

I have to help.

So when I spotted a knife laying on the floor next to an unknown body, I didn't hesitate. 

A/N: I'm super sorry, I am SOOO horrible at battle scenes because it's hard to 'show' the chaos. Know what I mean?

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