{41} Jailed

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Mia's POV

I hung up quickly and glanced at Rhyme, biting my lip. Through the darkness of the tiny room I could still see her eyebrows raise. "What? What happened?"

I pressed my fingers against the wall to the left, feeling for a light. "Good news or bad news?"

Her lips tightened together. "Good news."

"Well, Asia found Echo."

Her face radiated with a smile. "That's good. What's the bad news?"

"She's been shot."

Immediately the smile disappeared and was replaced with a worried pout. "What are we going to do?"

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to undo the snarls that had completely taken over. "Skylar says she'll survive if we get her somewhere with medical help. I'm not sure where the bullet hit, though. Hopefully she was only shot in the leg or something."

Rhyme was quiet for a moment before nodding. "That's alright. How are we going to get out of here?"

I quickly glanced at the dimming room. "I'm sure they're still right outside, and looking for us. My gut is telling me we'll need to fight our way through, and it's normally right. That okay with you?"


Almost too soon, Rhyme kicked open the door with the back of her heel and raised her palms immediately, ready to knock out whatever person was in front of the door. Surprisingly, there was nobody, but I sure as hell wasn't complaining.

We scrambled out of the closet, pressing ourselves against the wall. I peeked around the corner for more of those pesky guards, and only saw two. They were facing the other direction and talking to each other. One appeared to be about thirteen or fourteen, with blonde hair shaved in a buzz cut whilst the other looked seventeen or eighteen with long, curly brown locks.

I motioned for Rhyme to move forward and we began to sneak up on them. Thankfully, they were chatting with each other and weren't focused on the noises around them. I moved for the younger-looking one with a small pistol in his hands, whilst Rhyme went for the taller kid.

Glancing at the black-haired girl, I mouthed, one, two, three, before cupping my hands around my mouth and shrieking like a banshee through the air, controlling the sound so it only reached the ears of the blonde and didn't affect the older one.

Instinctively he pressed his hands against his head, screaming in agony as he fell to the ground. He twisted on the tiles, trying to raise his gun but at the same time protecting his eardrums. I quickly snatched the pistol from him before hitting it against the side of his head, hitting the brain in just the right way whilst his arms were reaching for the weapon

I nodded with relief as his eyes shut slowly and hands collapsed to the ground with a thud. I glanced over at Rhyme to inspect her progress, and was glad to see her trying to regain breath as she leaned against the wall next to a log-boy.

I motioned with my hands for us to move forward and we continued sneaking down the hallway, leaving the two guards frozen and unconscious.

I grinned as we turned a corner and spotted a large Exit door with the familiar red sign glowing above it. Quickly we ran forward, kicking the door open and taking large gulps of the fresh air that filled our lungs.

As the door swung shut behind us, alarms began to blare from inside the building. Rhyme and I glanced at each other quickly before coming to a mutual agreement -- run. So run we did.

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon