{35} Hell

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Echo's POV

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. But I watched from down the hall, very aware that every power someone used was causing my eyes to glow gold. I'd never seen anything like this, but the headaches were slowing down. By then I'd seen enough powers to know that I had go through it. It was the only way to help.

Finally, the headaches stopped and I realized my body must have taken in every single power they had used. I bit my lip, trying to figure out what to do. An idea popped in my head as I watched Skylar trying to hypnotize a boy whose body was glitching between a boy with green hair and... Luke? I realized he must've had the power to morph into a human.

Mustering all my energy, I opened my mouth.


I breathed slowly with relief as everyone froze. I'd never used my 'real' powers before, only the hearing, but I could already tell that when I learnt the power it was immediately ranked higher. Skylar could hardly ever get one person to stop even with a year of practice, and on my first try I'd gotten at least a hundred to listen.

"What are you here for? What do you want?"

I stepped forward slowly, towards a teenager who appeared to be about eighteen. He was watching the entire situation, a smug smile on his lips. I was right to think he was probably the leader. For one, all of the other kids were three or four years younger than him.

Instantly, all of the other heads swiveled around to see who I was talking about. A few gasps escaped the mouths of my allies, and I raised an eyebrow, confused.

"What? What is it?"

Skylar stepped forward, looking both horrified and excited at the same time.

"I-Isaac?" she whispered. I turned back towards the boy, whose smile faltered.

"Hello, Skylar. I see you recognize me."

Sky shook her head violently, eyes widening.

"N-NO! That's not possible. Y-you're dead!! I saw you die... w-with my own eyes..."

Isaac smirked.

"Not exactly."

Sky gulped, and she stepped back nervously. Angered that he was hurting my friend, I whipped back to Isaac.

"What do you want! What the hell are you guys talking about?!" I yelled angrily at him. Not at all ashamed, I added a bit of Leila's charmspeak in my voice so he would answer me.

Isaac swallowed, looking at me with a tint of... respect?

"Hello, Echo," he spoke in a wistful voice. I stomped my foot, not caring I was acting like a child.

"ANSWER ME!" I shrieked, forcing every bit of hypnosis I could muster into my voice.

Isaac stepped back, looking both surprised and impressed before nodding. Through his eyes, I could see the reluctance, but his mouth was forced to listen to me.

"I have known Skylar ever since she showed up here almost a year ago. At the time, I was seventeen. We became instant friends, until I... disappeared. My power was the ability to tell the future as it is in its current path."

I blinked, his words dawning on me.

"You... you used to go to Sahar?"

He smirked.


Sky shook her head and walked forward again, all of our eyes watching her as she did.

"But... I saw you die! Tillas... he... he killed you! I heard it! He lifted you up and killed you!"

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