{17} Murder

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Zach's POV

I left the room, surprisingly feeling calm and collected. Although I had killed people before as a result of self defense on missions, this made me nervous. Never had it been so dangerous. Killing a supernatural or lowly human was one thing, but killing one of important profession was quite another.

I walked down the hallway and stood in front of the door. For a second it was quiet, and I wondered if they'd left. But to my dismay, there was a loud clanking noise and I bit my lip as I realized they'd cut the chains.

"C'mon, Matthew," one of the men snapped. "You're not chicken, are you?"

I groaned inwardly before rolling up my sleeves, revealing my pale hands. On the other side of the entrance the men stepped away, and my ears perked at the familiar sound of a car starting.

"Get ready, Zachary," I whispered to myself. The vehicle roared to life, and there was a pop! as the seal holding the door broke. My heart pounded as slowly it creaked open and two men in blue outfits were revealed, both holding onto the chain as they made sure it didn't break.

One of them stared at me blankly. "What the hell?!" the other asked. I recognized it as the one who'd spoken before.

I sighed and stepped forward. Nervously, they did the opposite. Matthew held up his police badge in fake confidence, but I could see his hand shaking.

"B-belfast Police D-department," he said nervously. The other knocked him on the head, rolling his eyes. Matthew glared.

"Bug off, John!" he snapped.

"Hello, boys," I stated calmly, reminding them of my presence.

"Hello, sir, is Echo Mawlkin here?" John asked, sticking his chest out in an boastful way. I rolled my eyes.

"No," I responded sweetly. The two glanced at each other.

"What's your name?" Matthew asked. I smirked.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that."

With that, I stuck out my palm so it was facing them. Concentrating fiercely, I used my mind like a magnet, making all of the liquid rise up inside of Matthew. For a moment they both stared at my hand, but then the process began and Matthew fell to his knees, clutching his throat. I grinned and continued imagining the water rising up in his throat.

"Matt!" John cried, falling next to the other man. He glared at me. "What did you do?!?"

I didn't respond, and soon Matthew began choking, his eyes bulging out of his sockets. John shook his shoulders. "Come on, Matt! Tell me what's wrong!!" Tears began to spill down his cheeks, but I continued.

Matthew opened his mouth to speak, but as he did water began spluttering out of his throat. As the liquid touched the inside of his neck, his gag reflex kicked in and bile rained out along with the H20.

John cried out again. Soon there was a puddle of water around the two of them as Matthew was continued to be drained. His cheeks sunk in and soon he collapsed onto the floor, his eyes glassy. John gasped and pressed a hand against Matthew's throat.

"Silly boy," I told him. "You won't find a pulse."

John turned to me, his hands balled up in fists. "You-- you killed him!" he choked out, tears falling quickly down his cheeks.

"Now, I'm going to do the same to you," I smirked. His eyes widened and he turned to run away, but it was too late as I raised my hand and imagined the water rising out of him, speedily this time. His body shuddered for a moment before he fell to the ground, the water pouring out of his open mouth. I smiled as I watched the color disappear from his face, and his features began to look leathery and wrinkled.

Stepping over Matthew's body, I leaned down and allowed my head to float above his chest. I smiled as I heard no breathing. His heartbeat had also stopped.

Showing no emotion, I picked them both up easily and swung their bodies over my shoulders, heading back into the school where I put them down on the tiled floor. I hesitated for a moment before going outside again and picking up the bolt cutters. Quickly I released the tow hook, throwing the now broken chain into the vehicle. We'd see what to do about that later.

I walked back inside and pulled the door shut, using all my strength. I rolled my eyes. Were those two really so weak they needed a car to open this?

Grabbing their stupid arms, I dragged them across the floor into our spare room. It sounds weird, but we had all sorts of material to help with dead bodies in there. We were always prepared for this sort of thing.

Brushing my hands on my jeans, I headed into Luke's office. He looked up as I stood in the doorway and smiled. "The job done?" I nodded. "Where do you want me to put them? Also, they had a car we need to do something with. And they broke the seal and chain on the door."

Luke sighed. "I'll have Leila drive it somewhere along the outskirts of the woods, so it looks like they left the car there... as for the seal and chain... Jason can figure out something. And please have Rhyme check outside for any grass regrowing. If they drove a car here, there probably will be tire tracks that need to covered up."

I nodded, and saluted. "Got it, boss."

A/N: Sooo, did you like this chapter?!

~|Fun Fact: All of the students at Sahar Academy have advanced strength, speed, and senses. This is because of the magic lingering inside their systems. However, Echo still has the best hearing out of everyone there. These students are also able to heal faster than normal. Advanced healing is a power, although so far no student has had it.|~

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