{11} Become One

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Adasia's POV

I laughed as we entered the room. The look on Echo's face was excruciatingly hilarious. I could hardly stand it. She looked as if she were trying both not to sneeze and throw up at the same time -- a tight face, eyes scrunched together, one hand over her mouth and the other over her lower stomach.

The cause for her reaction was, of course, Shimmer.

The beauty queen was wearing her average Wednesday outfit -- a flaring red blouse with pink sequins, dark green dyed jean shorts with faux diamonds on the seams, knee-high yellow and purple socks that were flashing in the natural light from the room's windows. Her bleached blonde hair was held up with a glowing silver hairband in a lazy bun, a somehow normal light blue headband keeping the locks away from her perfectly heart shaped face.

Shimmer's face was completely drenched in makeup -- rainbow eyeshadow and tear-like rains of paint dripping from her eyes in neon colors. Her lips were a bright lavender.

"That's Shimmer?" Echo choked out, glancing between Skylar and I.

I chuckled. "Yeah. Wasn't what you were expecting, right?"

The small brunette shook her head, eyes wide although there was a humongous smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile along with her as Shimmer sashayed around the room, acting like the natural princess she was.

"So she's your leader?" Echo inquired. I nodded swiftly. "Yup. Wanna go meet her?" I softly grabbed Echo's elbow and began leading her towards the blonde. I quickly glanced back at Skylar, who nodded at me quite seriously as if to say, take it slow. You don't want to frighten her.

That made sense. Echo seemed to be easily horrified, and Shimmer was quite a bold, outgoing person. She could make the poor girl feel uncomfortable or out of place.

"If she makes you feel weird or uneasy in any way, let me know, okay?" I whispered in Echo's ear. She nodded. "Shimmer's super nice, kinder than most of us, but she can be a bit arrogant and loud."

With that, we approached Shimmer from behind and I touched her shoulder cautiously. My leader spun around, her features breaking into a smile as she saw me.

"Asia!" the blonde squealed, leaning in and giving me a side hug. I beamed back at her cheerfully.

"Oh, and Echo!! I'm sorry for the scare yesterday, sweetie. It can be quite stressful being in front of that entire room of people." Shimmer smiled down at Echo, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Stressful? For you? I'd sooner think you'd be stressed not in front of a crowd of people," I snickered, sticking my tongue out childishly at Shimmer.

The gorgeous girl faked an offended look. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I taunted, giggling.

Next to me there was a chuckle. I glanced down to see Echo gazing at us with an amused look on her face. "What?" I asked kindly, not wanting to be rude but wondering what was so funny.

"You have an awesome friendship, I can tell," she noted quietly, a soft smile on her lips.

We laughed. "Thank you."


"Jason's class," Luke announced, reading off the paper. We were in the conference room, trying to decide whose class Echo would be in. Of course, Jay was the one.

The 27 year old jumped out of his seat and dashed over to Echo, holding his hand out with the widest grin on his face. "I am Jason Write, but you may call me Jay. It is incredible to finally meet you face-to-face," Jay exclaimed intellectually. I rolled my eyes. Of course, overly smart Jason had to speak with perfect grammar... it was so nerdy.

Echo smiled. "You too."

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