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If you haven't finished the book, I suggest not reading this.

Also, the way the format works is that it says the month and year in bold, than the important dates within that month until the next bold. The important events have a * next to them and are under an underlined date.

One more thing. The dates on here match up real time. For example: January 3rd, 2018 was a Wednesday in real life. And it is the same in the book. Originally, I didn't plan for this to happen, but then I did some research and realized I had all the dates right.


1/3/18 Wednesday

*Skylar turns thirteen years old

*Skylar arrives at Sahar

*Skylar is the last person for nine months to come to Sahar

MAY 2018

5/17/18 Thursday

*Isaac Larhowne is declared MIA

JULY 2018


*Skylar and Adasia see Isaac for the first time in two months while on a mission

*Isaac fakes his death


10/8/18 Monday

*Echo Mawlkin arrives at Sahar Academy

*Bailee Mawlkin dies

10/18/18 Thursday

*Late at night, Belfast Police Department begins its search for Echo Mawlkin

10/19/18 Friday

*Belfast Police Department (Matthew and John) arrives at Sahar

10/22/18 Monday

*Belfast Police Department looks for Matthew and John

10/25/28 Thursday

*Isaac writes Jason's letter

10/27/18 Saturday

*Raven Sonyh leaves to talk to Tillas' mother

*Raven Sonyh is killed by Isaac

*Jason Write receives Isaac's letter

10/28/18 Sunday

*Raven is discovered to be missing

*First POV of Grant Jerry

10/29/18 Monday

*Jason reads Isaac's letter

10/30/18 Tuesday

*Jason leaves to go to Isaac

*Samantha Greene is poisoned by Carson

*Leila and Keith discover poison is non-lethal

*Corra and Carson go out to buy cameras

10/31/18 Wednesday

*Isaac attacks school

*Only Echo, Skylar, Mia, Rhyme, and Jackson survive

*Echo is kidnapped, and then rescued


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