{12} Bawl

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Jason's POV

Today I met our newest student, a female. She is incredible. Unlike the normal immature behavior of our younger members, she is quiet and thoughtful. The girl's name is Echo. She shall be perfect for our class.

I am aware she has a gruesome background. It is terribly upsetting that such a sweet young lady would be so mistreated. I have made a promise to myself that no more should such harm come to Echo. Carson has informed me that she has PTSD. I myself know this condition is abhorrent. Her abilities will not be able to develop if she is haunted by the past. Ryan has made a promise to me. Anyone who hurts the girl, mentally or physically, will have myself to speak to.

Perhaps I am so protective of Echo because she reminds me of Angelica. It has been years since I've visited my sister's grave. Luke has pushed me to do so again. However, I am not ready for such a complicating act. It has been over a decade since her passing, yet I am still grieving.

This morning's practice went well. Both Samantha and Ryan did outstanding in their lessons. Ryan is now able to perform his telepathy from a farther distance, and Samantha described to me every detail of her childhood dog. They both have my complete confidence in anything they decide to do. I have not watched Echo use her abilities before, but Luke enlightened me. She has advanced hearing.

Tomorrow is another day. I cannot wait to see what miracles our new girl will be able to execute. If she was put into this group, I'm sure she'll do amazing. 

I am concerned for Samantha's mental health. Occasionally, during her therapies, she'll begin bawling suddenly. She tells me that she is unable to stop thinking about watching her parents murdered in front of her. It is dreadful. At times like those, I am ashamed. Being her teacher, I should not have allowed her to reach those memories. Like all other abilities, a photographic memory has its faults.

Lately I have found more and more that writing in this journal has helped me calm a great deal. Thank you, Luke, for giving me the idea. 


A/N: So, did you like this chapter? I worked superrrr hard on it. I never want to be Jason, it's too hard to speak so smartly and grammatically correct. 

~|Fun Fact: Jason is quite shy when talking about his emotions. He is not very social, and prefers numbers over people. However, recently Luke recommended him writing down his thoughts in a notebook after a break down over Angelica. It has helped a lot. Someday, Jason may consider sharing it with someone. He has thought about it, but doesn't know anyone he trusts enough.|~

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