{36} Help

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Jackson's POV

Before I could even begin to wrap my mind around our situation, everyone had begun fighting again. Carson was laying on the ground, extinguished by Zach's water, and screaming. Suddenly I understood why hospitals often put their fire victims in commas. The pain was much too unbearable.

But I didn't understand how it had happened.

I'd been watching Echo as she spoke, of course, and she had looked mad enough to break Carson in half. But her power was advanced hearing, and more than one power was simply unheard of. Besides, her eyes hadn't glowed.

No, it must have been the boy whose eyes seemed to drip with lava. He'd gotten tired of the conversation and wanted to continue fighting. It made sense. While the battle was going on, he'd been forcing people to the ground everywhere.

But still, I didn't quite believe myself.

Screams rang out across the walls of the small hallway, echoing back and forth against the metallic floor and granite walls. Besides the commotion and yelling, there wasn't much sound but the occasional grunt and hiss of a power.

I hadn't moved two steps into the chaos when I felt something slam into me from behind. Immediately I lost my balance, and was thrown against the floor. Groaning, I tried to push myself up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my jaw and hands, but was not surprised when someone placed their hands roughly on my shoulders and forced me back down.

Hoping they wouldn't torture me, I lowered myself in hopes that my energy would be regained. The fall had surprised me, and I needed a second to gather my thoughts. Unfortunately, my attacker wasn't about to happen.

I flipped over onto my back like a fish to see who it was that'd pushed me to the floor. Growling like a rabid dog, dark green eyes met mine and I tried not to gasp as I realized it was Isaac.

For a second I wanted time to freeze so I could get a closer look. I wanted to reach forward and touch every spot on his body -- to feel his flesh until I firmly believed he was real and not just some tantalizing dream.

No, this is extremely real, I thought to myself as a drop of spit landed on my face. Chuckling inwardly, I wondered if Isaac would begin foaming at the mouth.

"Hey, Is," I managed to choke out, holding my breath as I continued to stare up at him.

Damn, he's gotten hotter.

"Jackson." He hissed in acknowledgement, and I forced myself to chuckle weakly, stammering, "you recognized me."

For a second I could've sworn his features softened, but even if it happened they immediately tightened again.

"Of course I did. Who would forget your -- ugly face?" Isaac sounded as if he were killing himself instead of insulting me. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Everybody, as soon as they see yours," I answered dryly. "You winning any competitions? Possibly, 'Hottest Man Alive'?"

Isaac immediately looked taken aback. He coiled away from me as if he'd burnt his hand, and for a second I saw fear flash across his face. But I knew where to hurt him. It was no secret that Isaac had feelings for both me and Adasia -- he'd revealed it to Skylar a month before he went MIA, and she'd told me when we thought he was dead. Using that as his weak spot was cruel, but currently this was a battle and not a make up session.

Or make out session, even though angry sex sounded amazing.

"Shut your trap, Myers," he growled, and I felt myself shiver at the sound of his husky voice, his manhood showing as he became even more angry.

"Gladly, if you'll talk like that more," I breathed seductively. Isaac gulped, and I stifled a chuckle again. Using the chance while he was distracted, I rolled away from under him and jumped up -- my strength was back.

Immediately I lifted my hands and Isaac simultaneously was covered in a thin, clear plastic-like layer of... well, bubble. He began to float in the air and hit his hand across the material, yelling. I laughed at his silent words; the bubble was soundproof. Knowing one of his buddies would probably rescue him later, I turned away and began walking towards the rest of the fight.

"Jack, will you come help me?" Mia ran towards me, panting heavily. I raised my eyebrow at the blood staining her blonde hair and the ripped skin above her left eyebrow, revealing reddish orange flesh. Bruises and large, swelling red marks painted her face like a canvas and her lip was cut.

"If you won't call me that," I told her. I hated the name Jack -- as a child I was bullied by an older kid by that name and from then on only allowed others to call me by my full name, Jackson.

Mia nodded and grabbed my hand, dragging me across the tiles. We passed three or four other students, all battling some other weird person of Isaac's, before arriving at Rhyme. She seemed to be fighting some dude who was spraying some sort of foul smelling, inky green gas into the air. The fragrance hit my nose, and immediately I knew it was toxic, and what Mia wanted me to do.

Quickly I formed a small, white and shimmering bubble between my palms and lifted my hands in the air. I began controlling the sphere with my mind, and watched as it floated through the air like an ice skate and landed on Rhyme's face, where it spread out into an oval to cover both her mouth and nose.

I nodded, satisfied, as Rhyme began breathing better. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, and the kid's green gas was no longer affecting her. Like a ninja, she took a few strides forward in a split second and spread out her arms. Confused, the boy mistook it for her wanting a hug, and after shrugging he leaned into her embrace.

I rolled my eyes as a smirk filled Rhyme's face and she wrapped her hands tightly onto the boy, gripping onto him. Only a moment passed before I noticed he seemed to be turning a brown color. My sharp hearing picked up the sound of his heartbeat decreasing. His flesh turned a different texture -- like bark -- and half a minute passed before the boy had seemingly turned into a tree.

I smiled and praised Rhyme for her quick thinking, but not before commenting on the boy's stupidity. Why would you hug your enemy in the middle of the battle?

Again I rolled my eyes. Obviously, Isaac had taught them nothing.

"How many are left?" I asked Mia and Rhyme. They both shrugged, and glanced at something behind me. I turned to see a small boy scurrying up and down the hallway, handing things out to his warriors. I frowned, confused, but watched silently as he suddenly became a blur, dodging students and scampering past Isaac's kids.

It was only when the boy stopped flashing around that I noticed the bandages and gauze he'd wrapped Isaac's fighters in. Ones who had fallen down due to stabs in the leg or stomach were slowly standing up, whimpering but alive. Having someone with super speed proved to be helpful, obviously, when doing those things. Especially in the middle of fighting.

Sighing, I glanced around the hallway. It was obvious we were losing. Not only were there more of them and less of us, but we had not been prepared for this. How had Isaac managed to get this many supernaturals? Not only were there dozens of them, but many appeared to be around the age of thirteen.

So why haven't they been teleported here on their birthday?

I planned to get that question answered.

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