{29} Thrashing

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Adasia's POV


I watched as Echo set her lunch down next to me, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Yes?" I asked, drawing out the 'e.'

"Jason's going on a mission!" she squealed, glancing between myself and Skylar.

Jackson choked from behind me. I spun around and glared, trying not to laugh at the sight of 'Mr. Macho' coughing on an apple slice, tears in his eyes.

"Don't be rude!" I scolded him. Jackson rolled his eyes before swallowing and patting me on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Asia. I'm fine. Totally didn't almost die there."

I grumbled.

"Won't it be interesting when the air manipulator is strangled?!" I threatened passive-aggressively. His eyes widened, and he put a hand over his heart as if wounded.

"Ow. That hurts, right here." He patted his chest, faking a hurt look.

Trying to ignore him, I turned back to Echo and Skylar, who were both watching with amused looks.

"What? Continue."

Echo smirked before twirling her pasta-covered fork in the air.

"So. As I was saying, Jason is going on a mission. Ryan told me that apparently he hasn't gone on one in, like, three years or something. Said that he 'likes working on the computer' to earn money and other crap instead of going out in the real world."

I nodded slowly, not sure where this was going.


She stabbed a few meatballs and made a mini-snowman on the tips of her utensil.

"Basically during class today, he told us that he was leaving and would probably be gone for a few days, 'cause you know how missions are. His face was all pink and shiny, he looked really hurried and nervous. Sam and I think he's going on a date, or chasing after some girl!" she squealed.

I sighed before plucking one of the balls off her fork. My mouth full, I told her,

"Mmf, well, Jashom ish wreally toes crusing on Wayla."

She furrowed her eyebrows at me, and Skylar giggled from across the table.

"Uh, repeat that?"

I gulped, swallowing.

"Jason has a massive crush on Leila. Even though we totally know she likes Rhyme."

I winked at the black-haired girl, who was sitting next to Sky and across from myself. Her face flushed completely red and she began to stammer something illegible.

"Oh. Does Sam know that?"

I glanced back over to Echo, who was looking crestfallen.

Probably wanted to play matchmaker or somethin'.

I shrugged. "She should. Everyone knows that." I frowned, but than added, "however, since the whole thing with... You-Know-Who... she most likely isn't thinking right."

At the mention of Raven, everyone at the table went silent. I sighed; as much as I hated the black-haired show-off (mostly everybody did), I missed her. Missed our teasing each other and prankings. Missed our rivalry.

Suddenly Echo gasped next to me, and my brain was snapped back into reality. Instantly placing a hand on her shoulder, I looked into her glazed-over eyes.

"What?" I asked urgently.

She blinked before biting her lip.

"Raven went out for a mission. Then she was killed. What if whoever murdered her is..." she trailed off.

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