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All of these are in alphabetical order to make it easier for you. 


Jay's Class

Jason Write -- power is supersmarts, 27 years old, purple

Echo Mawlkin -- power is ability learning, 13 years old, gold (dark blue)

Samantha Greene -- power is photographic memory, 17 years old, pink

Ryan Joshua -- power is telepathy, 15 years old, white

Lee's Class

Liam Erecson -- power is telekinesis, 22 years old, purple

Raven Sonyh -- power is duplication, 18 years old, pink

Mia Louise -- power is music manipulation, 16 years old, light blue

Skylar Williams -- power is hypnosis, 14 years old, light blue

Troye Gage -- time manipulation, 15 years old, light blue

Shimmer's Class

Zaedah "Shimmer" Lise -- power is teleportation, 25 years old, purple

Carson Maye -- power is learn about peoples' past, 17 years old, pink

Adasia Lelings -- power is a shield, 15 years old, dark blue

Corra Sierra -- power is invisibility, 17 years old, light blue

Xavier's Class

Xavier Myren -- power is human manipulation, 29 years old, red

Leila Ronalds -- power is charmspeak, 19 years old, green

Keith Lowers -- power is lying, 15 years old, green

Zach's Class

Zachary Morgan -- power is water manipulation, 26 years old, purple

Avery Singhe -- power is fire manipulation, 23 years old, pink

Jackson Myers -- power is air manipulation, 16 years old, pink

Rhyme Jeggers -- power is plant/nature manipulation, 16 years old, dark blue

Lucy Kyle -- power is animal vocalist, 20 years old, light blue


1. Gold: most powerful, rarest (only beings who have incredibly amazing powers have this eye color. Gold is also the only color able to change their eye color).

2. Silver: second most powerful, second rarest (these are usually extremely powerful directors, and are rarely otherwise)

3. Red: third rarest (always the director's eye color, but sometimes commanders can also have this eye color)

4. Green: fourth (commanders always have this color or higher, highly powerful leaders sometimes have this as well)

5. Purple: fifth (leaders always have this color or higher, occasionally highly powerful officers have this color also)

6. Pink: sixth (officers always have this color or higher, always officers)

7. Dark blue: seventh (the more powerful students always have this eye color, and only students with this eye color may be chsen as officer)

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