{20} Cataclysm

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Luke's POV

Keith ran into my room, both excitement and anxiety taking over his face. I raised my eyebrows from where I was sitting on the corner of my bed, putting on some socks. "There is such thing as knocking, Keith."

He flushed but didn't apologize. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just wanted to tell you that the police are in the woods. I went out with Ryan to restock on food and on the way back we saw them getting out of their cars."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Alright, it's time. We're completely prepared?"

He nodded. "Yup. We have the bodies and note ready. Julie is ready, tracks are covered, vehicle in place. Jay also fixed the door. He even coated the chain in faux rust so it seems like this place is abandoned, if they happen to find it."

I smiled stiffly. "Good. Find Corra. I want you two to watch over, make sure nothing happens. If they don't find Julie, just kill them. We'll have to find another plan."

Keith saluted, giggling immaturely, and skipped out of the room.

I smiled, although slightly annoyed. Keith was a nice kid, but sometimes his childness was too much for even me to handle.

There was a ding from next to me, and I craned my neck to check the bedside table next to me for my phone. I turned it on and raised my eyebrows, the cause being a text from Zaedah -- Shimmer.

shimmerbright: hey Luke just making sure K txted u about the policemen... if he didnt well theyre here

I sighed.

LukeMyren: Thank you, Shimmer. He has already let me know. Also, would you like to take private classes with Jason? You may want to check your grammar.

shimmerbright: very funny D: im perfectly fine here. this is how us young ppl speak now

LukeMyren: Well then... do u need to get ur brain checked? ur only four yrs younger if im remembering correctly

shimmerbright: :DD there u go!! now u can be one of us!!

I rolled my eyes. Shimmer had fallen way too hard for the whole 'text talk; new generation' thing. Putting my phone back on the table, I leaned back on my bed and glanced across the room at my computer, seeing if I had any new emails or messages showing on the screen. There were none.

As I twiddled my fingers I allowed my mind to wander. I was thinking up a new idea for the whole-school battle. It was coming up in only a few days.

We did whole-school battles every two weeks. Zachary's class would create an arena, full of twists and turns, mazes and dangerous areas. It would be full of surprises. Then, classes would be released to fight each other. The last person or group standing would win a prize and mission for their class, and would be rewarded "Class of The Week."

I was thinking of having Zachary create half of the battlegrounds underwater. Jackson and Zachary could work together and make a cause-and-effect system where once a student went underwater, a bubble would develop around their head so they could still breathe. It would still be hard to fight in, however, because they would have to swim and students wouldn't be able to hear what's going on around them.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I rolled my eyes; it was already open; and focused my sight to see Echo standing there with a nervous look on her face. Immediately my annoyance disappeared, and I beamed at her as I motioned with my hand for her to enter.

"Hello, Echo. I assume you need something?" I asked politely. She looked around quickly, taking in my dorm before her brilliant blue eyes met me with a breathtaking innocence.

"I, uh... I know you're keeping something from me," she stated bluntly, her cheeks tinting a bit pink. I frowned. What?

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

She sighed and twisted a lock of her chocolate brown hair before the tips of her fingers. I waited patiently, until she finally looked up with an unfamiliar look in her eyes.

"Remember when I first battled you?" she asked softly.

I sighed. I should have expected this.

"Yes, Echo. I quite remember."

"When you said you had a headache... that wasn't true." Her sentence was not a question, but she seemed afraid of my answer. I nodded slowly, not meeting her incredible eyes.

"Correct. I did lie to you, and that was not right."

There was silence for a moment, and I wondered if she was upset at me. She had a right to be, of course.

"I really do apologize, Echo."

No answer.

I shook my head.

"It's fine to be angry at me, but I'd appreciate if you wouldn't ignore me," I offered before glancing up.

Instantly I frowned. Echo wasn't there.

A/N: Haha, cliffhanger... mm, I won't apologize one bit. Honestly, I wasn't even planning for her to disappear but... I made a promise to myself that this book would be full of drama and adventure, so I'm giving it. LOVE YA!! Continue reading!

Here's a quote for you :))--

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."

~Joshua Graham

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