{26} Search

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Leila's POV

"When was she last seen?"

I turned around to stare angrily at Samantha, who cowered under my gaze.

"No one's caught a glimpse of her since she left yesterday," she whispered. "Normally I wouldn't think much of it except for the fact that she was planning to return last night."

I hissed.

"What day is it, Sam?"

She glanced at the watch on her hand -- who wears a watch at Sahar? -- and then bit her lip nervously. "It's Tuesday. October 28th, 2018."

I breathed out.

"Three days until Halloween."

She gave me a weird look.

"Three days, Sam. MIA in three days."

Samantha nodded once before averting her eyes, pausing to glance down at her fingers which she pulled on nervously.

"What is it, Samantha Greene?"

She fidgeted for a few seconds before answering.

"Ryan thought he saw her being dragged by someone outside."

I paused, letting the information sink in my brain. "What did they look like?"

She shrugged, but her eyes flashed briefly.

"We're not sure, but Ryan says they were angry. Very angry. Most likely a man, he said. His thoughts were so mixed up and warped that they were hard to understand. Almost like... like he knew Ryan was trying to get a read on him. Keith confirmed him to be, most likely, supernatural."

I groaned.

Great, just what we need.

"Have you told Luke about Raven?"

She shook her head, lip quivering.

"Haven't had a chance to. Please, Leila. You gotta find her. She's my best friend."

I sighed, contemplating my options. "I'll do my best, but there's no promises. You of all people know how dangerous it is out there for us. I'll look for her the best I can, though. If you want, I'll send out a search party. Only the best. People who can easily find her. Ryan, Carson, Skylar, Echo."

She nodded, looking a bit more relieved than at the beginning of our conversation.

"You'll find Raven. I know you will."

I didn't say it, but as she said those words, I thought,

Yeah. We will. But we might just find her dead.

I patted her shoulder, feeling slightly awkward. "You always know best, Sam," I joked. She just smiled, unaware of my teasing. My stomach twisted into a knot.

How can such a smart girl be so... ignorant?

I liked Samantha Greene. I really did. But she was a girl who never understood what other people said, never even clarified that she heard them talking.

Samantha waved goodbye before skipping down the hallway, seemingly happier than before our 'talk.' I sighed once -- Samantha was so complicated -- and began heading the opposite way.


I froze, annoyance building up in my throat as I recognized the voice. Groaning inwardly but smacking a fake smile on my face, I turned on my heels.

"Yes, Shim?"

She hurried towards me, her metallic blue sparkle shirt sending glitters all over the floor. As usual, Shimmer's eyes were twinkling with excitement and her dyed hair flew all over the place as she approached me. My eyes trailed behind her as she flung herself forward, searching for Sam. She had already turned the corner.

"We found Raven."

I frowned as my semi-hatred for Zaedah Lise disappeared. "What? How? Where did you find her? Who was out for patrol?"

She shook her head, gasping for breath.

"No... it was Corra. Jason asked her for a new notebook, you know what a suck-up she is towards him. She went out to the office supplies and whatever store, on the way back she took a different route and found Raven..." she paused and bit her lip. My heartbeat increased drastically; Shim was never nervous. Ever. About anything.


"Dead," she responded quietly.

I inhaled sharply and put a hand to my forehead, my lips moving as I tried to form words. Ignoring the question pulling at my lips, I squinted tightly.


Her eyes lifted to the ceiling, glazing over as she tried to remember.

"Well, we really don't know. She had seventeen stab wounds, water in her lungs, a slit throat, bullets through the chest, and proof of both being asphyxiated with an unknown weapon BEFORE being hung. All of those could have killed her."

My eyes widened slightly as she spoke. "Someone really, really wanted Raven Sonyh dead."

She nodded.

"The only strange thing is that there was no proof of powers being used. We thought maybe a human did this, but Raven was raise in India. There's no way she knew anyone from around here."

A lump filled my throat.

"Well, it could have just been someone murdering with no apparent cause."

Her eyes studied my face. "Yeah, but most murders have cause. Right?"

I smiled nervously before shaking my head. "Some do. Not all, though. Maybe somebody was trying to prove a point. Or they needed money. Lots of people kidnap so that they can contact the parents and get a ransom, you know. They might have been planning to do that with Raven, but she misbehaved or attacked them and therefore was killed."

Shimmer's eyes narrowed slightly. "True, true. But, for one, they could have just used one single method of killing, not six. And also, I don't think you should call fighting against your attacker 'misbehaving.'"

I growled under my breath. This was why I didn't like Shimmer. She acted like the most fun, amazing person, until you tried to be the same. Than, she turned into a lion.

"It was a joke, Shim. I agree with that. But in the kidnapper's mind, it would seem like misbehaving."

Not wanting to argue with her anymore, I flung away from her and began prancing down the hallway, heart tightened and eyes cold.

"Well, you seem to have a very kidnapper-like mind," I heard her mumble from behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"I heard that. I may have a 'kidnapper-like mind,' but I'm not deaf."

A/N: I wish I was more funny. Sorry, guys, but this is the best chapter ending I have. Sigh... any tips on how to be a funnier writer?

P.S. Be very prepared for next chapter, because we are currently getting into... 



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