{8} Enhance

17 2 0

Echo's POV

I was a second away from telling Skylar about my power possibly being great hearing, and how I had learnt it from sister. But, I decided against it. Although I no longer felt like these people were going to rape and murder me, I didn't want to talk about my personal life, abusive parents, or dead sister. So instead, I simply told her my power was advanced hearing. Skylar nodded, smiling.

"That's great! You'll probably be put in Jason's class. They're based on learning things about others or just getting information. Don't worry, Jason's super nice. His power is that he's incredibly smart. He's basically a walking calculator, NASA team, and the internet all combined into one."

I gave a cheerful half-smile. "That's cool. When will I get to meet him?"

"Well, they'll probably choose your class some time today. I won't be there, but the leaders, commanders, and Luke will be there. They'll ask you to perform your power in front of them, and glow your eyes."

I gave Skylar a weird look. "Glow... my eyes?" It sounded more ridiculous than any children's fairy tale. 

"Oh, you don't know? Well, I suppose not. Your eyes glow when thinking about or using your powers. It symbolizes your rank and strength. The lowest strength is white glow. Students who aren't the best at their powers have this color. Than light blue -- my eye color . That's the average strength rank. Dark blue, a strong student. Only dark-blue eye colors can be chosen as officer, which is pink. Purple is for leaders, or powerful officers. Green is for commanders or very powerful leaders, and red is for directors or powerful commanders. There are two other colors after that, but they are rare. Like, extremely rare. Silver is either an incredibly powerful leader, or just someone incredibly powerful. And then there's gold. We've only heard of one in existence. Apparently they are supposed to be unbeatable. Unkillable. Everyone wants to have gold eyes, but we never will."

"Why?" I asked, wondering what my eye color was. It seemed strange. I'd used my powers while looking in the mirror before, and my eyes had never changed. Not once.

"Gold is something that can't be worked up to. You either have it, or you don't. That's it. But because these people have been... hunted, I guess, by other supernaturals, gold-eyeds are able to change the color of their eyes."

I nodded slowly. That made sense. 

"So how come my eyes don't glow when using my powers?" I questioned, looking straight into Skylar's pale eyes. 

She frowned. "What do you mean? Surely your eyes glow. It's impossible for them to not. Maybe you just haven't tried in front of a mirror or camera? Go in the bathroom and see. I'll wait here."

Shrugging, I followed her advice and scrambled into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as I stood in front of the glass, smiling at my tan reflection. Through the corner of my eye I saw Skylar move away from the couch, turning her back on me as she walked over to the dresser and began opening drawers. 

Focusing back on the mirror, I nervously bit my lip. Why didn't my eyes glow when listening? Was there something wrong with me?

Making sure not to close my eyes, I concentrated on the sounds around me. I listened to Skylar's heartbeat, all the while staring at my orbs. Nothing happened, and I began to sweat.

But then something did happen.

Suddenly someone burst through the door, and I watched as a pretty girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes pranced in, giggling loudly. Immediately she started talking to Skylar, who laughed back. I frowned. Who was this strange girl, and who had given her the right to burge in?

"Echo, come over here!" Skylar called, her face gleaming and her eyes bright with excitement. Reluctantly I left the bathroom, feeling slightly jealous. My first friend in my entire life and this ball of energy came in and punched me out of the way.

"This is my roommate. Her name is Adasia," Skylar exclaimed, pointing at the girl on her side, who was smiling just like the brunette. Adasia leaned forward and quickly hugged me. All jealousy melted away. Oh. She's her roommate. 

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, returning the embrace.

"So, I had an idea. Now that Adasia is here, I was thinking we could show you our powers. Since you're new to this and all, this will help you understand how our powers work," Skylar declared.

I nodded. "Okay, that sounds fine. Where do you want me to watch?"

Skylar pointed at the couch, which was facing the bathroom. "We'll be right here. You go sit."

I headed over to the area she highlighted, plopping down on the soft cushions and folding my hands neatly in my lap. "I'm ready."

  Skylar went first. She stepped forward, placing herself a little in front of Adasia. I watched as her eyes began to glow a shade of blue, before she turned to Adasia, who stood still and just stared at her. I watched as Adasia's eyes became glazed over, and she opened her mouth to speak.

But then I snapped.

All at once, it felt like all of my ribs were breaking and my skull was about to explode from the amount of pain that hit it. I screamed in agony, and both girls snapped out of their trances and turned to me, surprised looks on their faces.

Unconsciously, I ran towards the bathroom, fumbling with the cabinet as I tried to look for pain medication of any sort. Dots were dancing in front of my eyes as the splitting feeling stabbed me over and over in the chest, than the head.

And that's when I saw it. 

A/N: Ooh, cliff hanger amiright? Don't worry, the next chapter will also be in Echo's POV because I'm nice. But after that... I'll be changing it up a little ;))

~|Fun Fact: Classes at Sahar Academy are always very specific about who they choose to accept. So far, the leaders are: Liam Erecson, whose power is telekinesis, Luke Myren, whose power is manipulation over humans' actions, Zachary Morgan, whose power is administration over water, Jason Write, whose power is super smarts, and Zaedah Lise, whose power is teleportation. The students in their classes are chosen so that they may develop their abilities in the best way possible. This is why Liam's class is based around manipulation over objects, Luke's class is manipulation over humans, Zachary's class is based on manipulation over the elements, Jason's class is based around learning, and Zaedah's class is based mostly on mental powers.|~

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