{21} Confess

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Echo's POV

"Correct. I did lie to you, and that was not right."

I sucked in my breath lightly, rubbing my temple with an index finger as I shut my eyes tightly. My heart began pounding slightly and then...

Suddenly I felt something warm and soft against my mouth. I would've screamed, but was unable to. My eyes widened and instinctively I looked down at my lips.

There was nothing there. Quickly I glanced up at Luke to see if he'd noticed, but he was saying something again. I was panicking and unable to hear.

I tried to open my mouth again, but it was like there was some sort of invisible force there. I could feel it, but not see it. The texture was sort of like... skin?

Suddenly another object wrapped itself around my waist, again invisible. I barely had time to glance down before it yanked me backwards and before I could even try to cry out, I was being lifted up by something unseeable and carried into a nearby room. It was small, dark, and empty.

As soon as I was set down I began sweating. It didn't even cross my mind until later to use my powers; I was too frightened.

"W-who's there?" I whispered as there was a movement in the room. A second passed, and suddenly the oak door slammed shut, causing me to jump. My heart pounded in my chest. I was 100% sure that whoever was keeping me company in this room could hear it.

"You don't know me," a voice answered softly from the shadows. I shivered. There was a feeling on my neck like somebody was watching me, but I could not see them.

"Are you sure?" I tried, licking my dry lips.

"Well... just in case, my name is Corra."

I raised an eyebrow. I don't want to make assumptions, but I'm guessing they're a girl.

Corra seemed enough like an innocent name. If this (probably) girl was evil, I'm pretty sure (probably) she'd change her name.

"O-okay... are you a student here?"

For a minute there was silence so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat. But then a soft sigh emitted from the other side of the room. I craned my ears, trying to listen closer. Then I remembered my advanced hearing, and I mentally slapped myself. I focused on the sound of the person's voice, and picked up the sound of their heartbeat. Yes, a girl.

"I am. Part of Shimmer's class... although nobody notices me."

I raised an eyebrow. "So, your power's invisibility?"

She laughed quietly, but there was a taste of sadness to it.

"I wish... well, sort of... it's complicated. I don't consider it a 'power.'"

I frowned. "But that's why you're here. How can it not be a power?"

Through the air I felt the person move closer, and I gasped as her forehead touched mine. She talked smoothly, her voice light and wispy.

"I can't control it," she mused sadly. "I've been this way my entire life... as long as I can remember, anyway... ever since my parents died in a car crash when I was three years old..."

I hesitated before lifting my arms, trying to feel where the girl was. My heart skipped a beat as the tips of my fingers touched something solid, and I recognized it to be Corra. Leaning forward, I wrapped my hands around her neck and hugged her. She sighed softly, but I felt her smile against my neck.

"I haven't felt anybody touch me in a long, long time," she told me wistfully. I tightened my embrace.

"Thank you," she mumbled after a moment. I smiled and pulled away. I looked in the direction I thought she was in before desperately narrowing my eyes, trying to see if I could see an outline, and aura, blurry lines, anything. But she was completely and utterly invisible.

"Why did you grab me?" I asked finally, gazing at the area I assumed was her face. She chuckled lightly. "That's my neck, Echo."

I flushed before looking up farther.

"To answer your question, I follow all newbies... it's a habit, I suppose. Being invisible can be helpful sometimes. The reason I grabbed you... well, I want to help you out."

My mind blanked as I continued to look at invisible Corra.

Help me? But why? How?

It was as if she read my mind.

"I was there when you fought Luke. I know what happened."

Confusion turned to relaxation.


"You want to know why he passed out, right? Well, I can assure you it wasn't because of a headache."

I tilted my head. How would she know?

"We both know that your power isn't listening, Echo," she whispered.

My heart jumped into my throat, and all of the blood rushed to my face.

How did she know?

"It's quite obvious," she continued. "I think Luke suspects it, although he hasn't been around you enough to find out more. But I have."

I narrowed my eyes. "What is my power, then?"

My objective was not to be challenging. I truly did want to know.

"You have an ability like no other," Corra responded. "One that has never been seen of or heard of. The power for the brain to completely replicate others' powers as its own... to literally give you the capability to learn the powers of others. You could very well be the most potent and dangerous being we have ever seen. No, scratch that. You are the most potent and dangerous being we have ever seen."

My mouth opened and then closed again. Sure, I'd suspected this, but for another to truly confirm it was so... misconceiving...

Corra must have noticed my inability for that to sink in.

"Tell me the color of your eyes," she prodded.

I blinked a few times. "Dark blue," I lied as I glowed my eyes convincingly. She sighed.

"Stop, I know you can do that. Show me your real eyes."

I paused for a moment, trying to decide if she was actually serious. Finally, after a few moments of silence, I shook my head in defeat.

I looked at the ground and began focusing on a spot of my toes. Just as Skylar had shown me, I forced my mind to concentrate on my newly found power. After a moment, a familiar sense overwhelmed every part of me, but instead of blue eyes staring at me from the reflective ground, bright gold eyes were glowing.

Slowly I looked up at invisible Corra, my cheeks tinted pink with embarrassment. Over and over my mind repeated, I'm not that special. I'm not this special. This is all just some mistake or a good dream.

She squeaked as I looked in her direction, and instantly I heard her breathing heavily. Concerned, I stopped glowing my eyes and tried to peer through the darkness at the girl, hopelessly looking for a sign of her.

There was a gasp from below me, and I dropped down on my knees.

"What?! What is it?!" I asked frantically. Slowly there was a movement next to me.

And then my heart stopped.

A/N: Hahaha, another cliffhanger!! 

~|Fun Fact: When Corra was only three, she was a very bright baby who knew how to do basic things -- such as take care of herself. But when her parents died, she was obviously quite upset. Due to her pain, she was given a power -- to become invisible. She soon realized this when she desperately wanted to hide from a policeman because he scared her. However, she was so young that poor Corra was unable to turn back. She soon learned how to fend for herself, and would dig through garbage cans looking for food and water. Until she turned thirteen, of course. When she arrived at Sahar, Corra thought that finally, maybe she would be able to turn visible again. However, it had been so long that the invisibility had 'latched onto her.' Like if you left food in a pan for too long, she was stained. Unable to turn back... until now.|~

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