{3} Remember

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Jackson's POV

I raised my eyebrows as Skylar and Asia stumbled into the room, both looking exhausted and extremely worn out. I sighed, wondering if they'd really worked that hard at practice or if... a dirty thought crossed my mind, but I didn't feel at all ashamed.

I smirked at the two girls, and immediately their ship name popped out of my mouth. "Skysia!" I screeched, grinning as they flushed and jumped away from each other as if pierced with a needle. I snickered.

"Jackson!" Adasia snapped, stepping over and smacking me on the back of the head. I whined, but the smile wasn't wiped off my face; I was secretly feeling gleeful that I'd managed to embarrass my cold-stricken friends.

"Mia, Rhyme, and Troye are over there," I told her innocently, pointing behind my back at the three students. They were, as usual, arguing over whose power was the best.

"Rhyme, just because your eyes--" Mia started, her light blonde hair whipping around as she shook her head in annoyance. I smirked as I noticed that her eyes were bright with color as they normally were when she was feeling a strong emotion.

"Just because nothing! I'm dark blue. That means most powerful student -- oh, don't give me that look! I know that officers are more powerful! But besides them! -- and you guys are only light blue. Which means medium powerful. So, I'm most powerful. Simple as that."

"Just because you're stronger, doesn't mean you're smarter," Troye scoffed, his dark brown eyes blazing with anger. "Skill is just as important. You can't beat an enemy just by pounding their head in, you need to strategize and plan. That requires brains." His orbs were flicking between the two girls, and he was obviously annoyed that neither of them were even considering him in the conversation. I rolled my eyes. When Mia and Rhyme got arguing, there was no point in trying to speak or engage with either of them until it had been settled. That was just the way our friend circle worked.

"Guys, stop arguing," Skylar spoke calmly, as she gracefully stepped in front of them and stared deeply in their eyes. Immediately, all three shut up, and even I found myself wanting to be quiet though I hadn't said a word about their argument nor had I even seen Sky's eyes yet. Skylar's hypnosis worked well, and it did wonders.

No wonder she's the leader, I thought involuntarily, before scolding myself. Ever since Sky joined it had been me against her, both of us trying to be the leader. As the most powerful other than Rhyme and Adasia, who both didn't feel comfortable being looked up to as leader, I had always been the one followed and respected in our small group. But now, Skylar was here, and for nine months I'd had competition. Of course, I knew I couldn't win as an opponent against Sky's hypnosis, but my ego didn't allow me to fall back.

"It's getting late. We should go back to our dorms, or Luke will be pissed. Again. Especially you, Rhyme. I got an earful from Zachary because you were late to lessons. Seriously? Honestly, we wouldn't even be allowed to hang out anymore if I wasn't awesome enough to convince Luke not to separate us," Skylar said, her disappointment flooding through her words. I felt myself flush. 

You don't need to respect her in that way. She's your friend, not your boss.

"'Kay. S'pose you're right. Come on, Adasia, let's go," Mia agreed, nodding towards my gorgeous blonde friend. Asia nodded before glancing once at Skylar, who gave her a small, encouraging smile. I cackled. Skysia confirmed! 

 I groaned inwardly as slowly everyone left my dorm room, Rhyme and Troye beginning to argue about their appearances and Skylar slowly walking out.

I collapsed against my bed, a mixture of feelings and thoughts in my head. They were all quite random, and not easy to understand. At all.

Why won't Asia at least admit she likes Skylar?

Does Sky like her back? Will they get together?

How come those three are always such idiots? Sometimes it feels like me and Skylar are the only sane ones... as much as I hate to admit it, we do have that in common...

Okay, I guess Asia is sort of mature, too. But not really. She's responsible... but still mostly immature.

What's this feeling I have for Troye? Like I have to protect him, as if he's this little fragile baby I've been handed and trusted to take care of.

Am I gay?

Is Adasia lesbian or bisexual?

Probably bi. She used to have a crush on Isaac, after all...

I miss Isaac.

Why couldn't we help him? I tried. We tried. God, we tried. And yet, it wasn't enough.

I know Sky feels particularly bad about it. She was there, after all, and if she'd made it in time... she would've been able to save him. To convince him to follow them.

What even happened? Why did he stop trying?

I understand Sky's guilt. That's the only thing I understand about her.

What even is guilt?

Am I a turtle?

With a soft smile at my last thought, I chuckled unconsciously. My mind was already beginning to shut down, even though I was trying desperately for it not to. I wanted to stay up, and think more. I love thinking...

I also love Adasia... and Mia... Rhyme... Sky... Troye...

I loved... Isaac...

I... loved.......... him.................

And then it all went black.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter. Do you like it so far? Comment what you think!!

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