{40} Jeopardize

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Adasia's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, groaning in pain. I stared up at the ceiling of my room. It looked a bit different than usual. Closing my eyes, I twisted my body around a bit to get rid of the awful feeling of nighttime discomfort.

What an awful dream.

Wincing, I realized my bed was not as peaceful as usual. My eyes popped open, and I squinted at the ceiling once again. My eyes scanned it for a second before lowering, and I frowned.

That's not the color of the walls in my dorm.

I continued wriggling around until I felt my body hit something. Squealing, I turned over to see Jackson laying next to me, drool spilling out of his open mouth and his hair stuck up in the air from the static of the floor. My eyes widened as I took in the blood dripping down his forehead, and I gulped at the sight of the stained floor.

Nope. Not a dream.

Slowly, the memories of our attack, everyone being killed, Echo being taken, rushed into my mind like adrenaline. In an instant I scooted over and began shaking Jackson's arm, trying to wake him up. He began groaning and swatted my hands away. I raised my fist and tried to punch him, but was not surprised when his hand caught mine with reflex, his eyes wide open as he stared forward.

Jackson sat up, rubbing his eyes as he looked around with a glazed appearance. "What's going on?" he mumbled. "Why were we sleeping on the floor?"

Silently I pointed down the hallway towards the bodies and blood we'd been tired enough to sleep by. Jackson gagged and nodded, his eyes snapping back towards me. "Right."

Sighing at his stupidity (to be fair, that had been my reaction at first, as well), I rolled over to my other side, being careful not to injure my leg any farther, and slapped Mia in the face. As expected, she arm lifted subconciously to protect herself, and she sat up like Jackson drowsily.

Not even pausing to remind her what was happening, I used my elbows to pull myself over to Skylar, wincing at the pain that shot through my right leg. I bit down on her lower calf, too lazy to get closer to her face. She jumped up and shrieked, her body already in a crouched, protective position.

"Echo, remember?" I panted at them all. "Help me up, and let's go!"

Realization dawned in Mia and Sky's eyes, and they jumped up. Both grabbed my arms and pulled me in the air. Instinctively I wrapped my elbow pits around the outside of their necks, trusting them to pull me wherever it was we needed to go. 

After a second of walking, they both began to sag a bit under my weight. "It's no use, Mia," Sky hissed as she unsticked my arm from her. I felt my heart break a little as her warmth disappeared and was replaced with rushing cold air.

"We won't be able to go fast enough like this," Mia agreed.

"I have an idea," Jackson piped up from behind. We all turned to see what he wanted, I hopping a bit on my good foot even though those slight movements made pain go flying up into my thigh.

Jackson lifted his palms, creating a triangle shape in the free space between them, and I gasped as I felt myself being lifted up in the air. He dropped his arms, eyebrows furrowed, and I could tell he was still concentrating. They continued walking, and I floated along behind them, my hair floating like a cape behind me.

"I feel like a princess," I cooed, trying to perform a somersault through the air. I accomplished my goal, even though my foot prickled a bit at the weird movement. They all giggled from in front of me. I probably looked crazy.

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