{38} Flee

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Echo's POV

My eyelids fluttered open, and I groaned softly as an awful headache slammed into my brain. My hands were bondaged together, but I could still feel the awful, giant bump on the side of my head. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to remember what had happened, and the memory of some kid swinging a crow bar at me flashed before my eyes.

Muttering under my breath, I slowly looked around my prison area to see where I was. It appeared to be, as I'd expected, a prison cell. The left and right walls were a hard granite, and seemed to be shimmering a metallic blue color. I had a feeling it was a protection barrier of some kind.

The wall in front of me had concrete walls that went towards the middle and filled 1/4 of the wall on either side, leaving thick, large dark metal bars in the form of a cell door for the middle. Just like the east and west walls, these areas were glowing as well.

Pressing my lips into a tight line, I twisted my head around to look behind me. The back-most wall was also made of a sort of shimmering pavement, but it had a high, barred window that, instead of looking outside, showed the view partially into the bottom of a royal looking room and partially into the walls. I growled under my breath and looked down at the chair I was sitting in.

My hands were tied to either leg of the chair, forcing my arms to be separated and therefore harder to get out of. My ankles were also wrapped around the chair with thick rope, along with my lower chest. I tried to wiggle, but could hardly move.

Quickly looking around, I thought of the room in the most logical way. The chair was simple and wooden, and would therefore break easily unlike one of metal or plastic. The walls were too hard to crack, and with that strange force field I probably wouldn't be able to teleport out. The bars could be snapped if I used super strength, but they were also glowing brightly.

Finally I formed a rough drafted plan. Moving my body forward and backwards so the chair rocked dangerously to form momentum, I suddenly flung myself towards the ground like I was trying to perform a back flip. The breath was knocked out of me as I hit the concrete, but a wiry smile filled my face as I felt splinters digging into my back.

I broke the chair.

Quickly I moved my body like a worm and wriggled away from the mess. My hands were free but still covered in rope, whilst my ankles were tied together. I shut my eyes tightly together before summoning the super strength and I gasped as the sound of something breaking reached my ears.

My eyes popped open, and I grinned at the sight of the ropes, snapped in half, laying on the dirty floor. I massaged my wrists softly, trying to soothe the raw, red flesh, but soon got to work getting the ropes off my ankles. They came off easily, and I sighed in relief before standing up, glad to be free of that problem.

Moving on to the next stage of my plan, I looked up at the ceiling and was glad to see it was free of the shimmering light. Isaac hadn't thought about protecting the roof, obviously.

Jumping as high as I could, I lifted my arm and felt the tips of my fingers brush against the white ceiling. My eyes twinkled as some splinters came running down -- obviously, this surface was weak. Tightening my hand into a fist, I jumped up once again and rammed it.

The sound echoed across the walls, and part of the ceiling broke off, landing loudly in the pile with the chair. I held my breath, wondering if anyone had heard me breaking their building. Sure enough, I could hear the sounds of footsteps and yelling from outside the cell. Someone ran past the bars, and I breathed with the relief that they weren't sure where the noises came from.

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