{31} Defend

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Keith's POV

I leaned across Leila and clicked a few buttons on the computer, nodding with satisfaction as the answer showed up.

"So the species is non-lethal?"

She nodded.

"Normally I would think that whoever poisoned Sam just grabbed that type of rat poison by mistake, but it's incredibly rare and one of the only types that won't actually kill you when digesting that much."

I frowned and leaned closer to the screen.

"So, they weren't trying to kill her. Than why would they want to poison her?"

She shrugged.

"I can only think of them wanting to give us a warning or something. It makes sense. After all, first Raven and now this? Plus, they were best friends. That's what it has to be."

"So basically, what you're saying is," I said slowly, "that whoever this murderery-person is, they wanted to show us that: one, they can kill people, and two, they have access into the school."

Her eyes scanned the screen as she answered.

"Yup. Or they have someone here working for them."

I bit my lip as we both steered away from that.

"What about Echo? She had that circle around her picture, and those letters."

My heart fluttered as I spoke of her name, and I struggled to take control over my hormones.

"I can't figure out what it means. There's no search results on any engine. Most likely it was an inside-thing. But whatever it means, obviously they're going to do something to her. Or it could mean to leave her alive. Either way, we have to keep a close watch on hfer and any entrances to the school. When was the last time we checked the teleporting defenses?"

I searched my brain for the answer.

"3/4 of a year or so, I guess. After students stopped showing up, Luke quit sending people to check on it."

She nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I still remember how surprised everyone was when Echo showed up. We haven't had any new kids in... forever, it feels like. 

But, anyway, I need you to tell Luke to set up guards, patrols to go around the school. Three people at a time, shifts during both during the day and night. I know it'll be awful, but we have to protect ourselves. As for you, have Corra go out and check the defenses. Tell her to bring someone along, too. From now on, no one leaves the school without a partner or group. It's just too dangerous until we find out what's going on."

I nodded. Even though me and Leila were equals -- both commanders -- she was older and more mature. Therefore, she was the leader in a way. Not that I minded. I was perfectly fine to do what Leila said, because her choices were always rational and smart. And safe. Yes, don't forget safe.

"Sounds good, Lei. I'll go tell them. Keep on trying to figure out what those letters meant, okay?"

With that, I patted her on the shoulder before leaving the slightly-darkened 'computer' room.

~time skip brought to you by ducks~

"You want me to do what?"

Echo stared at me and Corra with a most confused look on her face.

"Fused to the walls of the school is a barrier that makes sure nobody teleports or fuses their way into here without us knowing," I explained for the third time.

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora