{28} Threatened

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Jason's POV

It has been the most unfortunate, strange couple of days. For the first time in possibly forever, I feel as if I have no control over the situation -- or, more correctly, situations. First, Raven.

Echo was the one who came and told me. She burst into my room, a terrified look in her eyes, and shrieked, "Raven Sonyh is dead!" Than she began pacing on my floor, completely oblivious to the fact that I was still laying under the comforter, only half-awake and half-aware of what was going on. She began muttering things about 'murderers' and 'serial killers.' She only paused for a second to ask me whether or not I thought it was someone of magical entity who caused the death.

I was extremely confused. "What is that you speak of, Echo? What has happened to Ms. Sonyh?" She only stared at me for a moment before opening and shutting her mouth. "You weren't even listening! If you're awake now, 'bet you'd like to know that Raven! Is! Dead!"

At that point I told her to lower her voice. I must say, I was slightly upset and a bit frightened of her explosive behavior. Deaths happen all the time here. Why would I freak out like that?

And than I remembered her parents, killing poor Echo's sister right in front of her eyes. And I bit my lip, feeling guilty. She had the complete right to be worried about death, because she has PTSD. And this had struck her in the most vulnerable spot.

"I am quite sorry, Echo," I mumbled before asking her to leave so that I could get dressed for the day and have a discussion with Xavier about this. Yes, I still had no idea what was happening, but I was sure he would be able to explain it all.

She left, still mumbling under her breath about who-knows-what, and I was left alone in my peacefulness.

Than, later, Xavier told me the facts.

Raven had been out on a mission.

Raven left at 8:45 in the morning (according to Troye).

Raven was planning to get in touch with Tillas' mother (to talk about Tillas' sister, as they were great friends when young; at least, before Tillas died).

Raven was found hanging in a tree with a noose around her neck.

Raven had been stabbed seventeen times.

Raven was drowned.

Raven was choked.

Raven's throat was slit.

Raven was shot with a crossbow at least three times.

Than, the less obvious.

Whoever murdered her owned a simple hunting knife.

Whoever murdered her had a size 14 shoe. Courtesy of Ryan's eyesight and Rhyme's knowledge of the ground.

And the facts only known by me?

Whoever murdered Raven is now, most definitely, after me.

And they have Angelica.

I have to find them.

I will do anything for my sibling. She would do, of course, the same for me.

This is the letter I received. I only just opened it this morning, because I have been busy getting lessons ready:

Dear Jason Write,

I know who you are. I knew who you are. You don't need to know my name, so I won't tell you. That is something unimportant and, quite frankly, not at all something you need to know.

But you do need to know that your sister is here. Don't believe me? Well, you should. She's told me a few interesting things. How your power is incredible knowledge. How nobody except Xavier knew she was your blood relative, because that just 'doesn't happen.'

Still don't believe me?


I know you'll read this on Monday, October 29th of 2018. Currently, it is Thursday, October 25th of 2018. You'll receive this letter on Saturday, October 27th of 2018 but won't have opened it until now.

Raven Sonyh died early this morning.

Hm, how do I know that?

I was the one who killed her.

Now, if you tell Luke or one of your little buddies, something very, very bad will happen to Angie. You don't mind if I call her that, right?

You will also come to this address:

2916 Mellhasse Road, Augusta, Maine.

If you're not here within forty-eight hours, my knife will slip up with your precious baby.

After that, you'll have twenty-four more hours. And if you still do not arrive, I'll just have to come and get rid of the rest of your friends, one by one. Like I did to Raven.

If you think I'm lying, you are so, so wrong.

Who would I go for first?

Luke, and ruin your entire little 'organization?'

Leila, the girl I know you've liked since you first saw her?

Samantha Greene, the poor thing I know you work so hard to take care of?

Ryan Joshua, the ignorant pest who can't keep his mouth shut?

There are tons of others. I just can't choose. Maybe, I'll just have to kill them all off.

You don't want that to happen, do you, Jason?

So get over here, within forty-eight hours.

Come alone.

If you bring anyone, I will know.

And than you'll never have said goodbye to Angie.

The note ends there. I can't believe it. Who managed to sneak this in without Leila, or Luke, noticing it?

How was he (she?) able to know all those things? Such as when I would open that letter?

It doesn't matter. I can't risk Angelica's life. Not again.

How did he manage to keep her alive?

Was she ever actually dead?

I have so many questions, but if s/he is right, I must leave right now.

I cannot risk anyone else's life. Not after last time.

This may be the last time I ever write again.

To whoever finds this, take care of everyone else.

They all need it.



A/N: I knew a lot of people would be confused on what 'happened' with Angelica, so I added it as a fun fact :3

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant