{27} Strategy

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???'s POV

FULL NAME- Raven Elijah Sonyh

AGE- 17

DOB- March 23rd, 2001 (3:01 PM)

PHYSICAL TRAITS- Elbow-length black hair, dark brown eyes

WEIGHT- 129 lbs

HEIGHT- 5' 11"


AREA FOUND- Glentwin Forest, Belfast; Maine, US



LEADER- Liam Erecson

CLASS- Object Manipulation (Mia Louise, Skylar Williams, Troye Gage)


ABILITY- Object Duplication


I stared at the file in my hand before giving it back.

"Yes, I see. What does this have to do with the girl?"

He laughed, a scornful chuckle that made the hairs on the back of my neck lift.

"You do not understand, my friend. The girl is everything. This, it is a sign. To all of them. Soon, we will put our plan in action. She..."

He paused, dragging a nail against the metal of the desk in front of us. I winced.

"How do I explain this? She is quite an amazing species. The most spectacular of all of them. Tallis, he agrees with me. She is the one, believe me. They do not understand what great power she has. They don't understand the worth... or danger."

He chuckled again.

"But you, my friend. You will understand. In the time being."

I furrowed my eyebrows, still not understanding her importance.

"Please, sir. When will you tell me her power?"

He growled under his breath, and immediately I knew I'd gone too far. He slapped a palm against the table, causing the noise to ring out through the empty room. I leaned backwards, peering forward in the darkness to catch a glimpse of anything; a face, eyes, maybe a lock of hair? None of us had ever seen what the master looked like, but we didn't need to know. He protected us, from that awful place.

"No more questions!"

He cleared his throat, as if forcing a sweet tone into it.

"Soon you will know. Remember, we need the girl to protect us. To take care of you, of all of us."

I nodded slowly.

"I understand."

Then I added, "sir?"

He sighed before responding. "Yes, boy?"

I swished the question around in my mouth, hesitating to ask it.

"Ah.... what is her name, again? I've forgotten."

He paused before answering.


A/N: Short chapter. The shortest of them all (besides that half-chapter at the beginning, mwuahahaha). It had to be, though, otherwise you would get too much information. What do you guys think will happen next?

~|Fun Fact: Sahar Academy was first started in 1801 when Supernaturals first started developing. Erevich Sahar was the man who created it and the first director. He was also the only recorded person with gold eyes.|~

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