{15, Part Two} Loiter

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~A bit before the beginning of Part One~

Keith's POV

I opened my eyes to the sound of knocking on our metal front door. For a second I continued laying still, wondering if it was just my imagination. Nobody ever went through that door. Even the few students who left the school for any reason had Shimmer just teleport them where they needed to be and used a walkie talkie to tell her to bring them back.

Just when I was about to fall asleep again, the knocking continued. This time, I stood up slowly from my bed and left the room, standing in front of the door. Luke had purposely put me in the dorm right next to the entrance because I was the lightest sleeper.

The knocking stopped and was replaced by yelling. "Open up! This is Belfast Police Department, we command you to open your doors!"

My eyes widened and in a second I was running down the hallway into Luke's dorm. Quickly I stood next to his bed and slapped him across the face. Not surprisingly, he leaped up and pulled out a knife. I didn't care.

"The police are here!" I yelled as quietly as I could, pointing through the open doorway. Luke's eyes widened, and he told me to go get Ryan.


Ryan leaned away from the doorway, his glowing white eyes slowly fading. "Well?" I whispered, staring at him expectantly.

"Start the alarms," Ryan told Luke, who nodded. I would have laughed if the situation were any different. Nobody ever told Luke what to do.

After he left I moved closer to Ryan. "Dude, what's going on?" I prodded. He sighed.

"They're looking for Echo Mawlkin. They think she murdered someone. Her sister, Bailee."

I frowned. "Seriously?"

Just as Ryan was about to answer, a large crash rang from the other side of the door. We exchanged looks.

"They're trying to get in." I pointed out the obvious. Ryan nodded grimly. "You stay here in case something happens. I'll go tell Luke."

I watched as he walked away before pressing my ear against the cold metal. The officers' voices were muffled, but I still caught a few words.

"...they don't come out... explosives... blow the door?"

I cursed.


I turned to see Leila walking towards me wearing her pajamas and a messy bun. She rubbed her eyes.

I put a finger to my lips and beckoned her closer. Raising an eyebrow, she obeyed as the tired look disappeared from her face. Seconds later, we heard the alarms going off in every dorm. I smiled. Everyone would now know that something was happening. Luckily, the loud ringing noises were too far away for the men outside the door to hear. They wouldn't know what was going on inside the building they so badly wanted to get into.

Leila gave me a wide-eyed look. "What's going on?" she whispered. "The police are looking for Echo," I answered, equally as quiet. She opened her mouth but closed it again. I gave a half smile. Same reaction I had.

"Why?" she finally asked. I sighed. "They think she killed someone." Leila gasped quietly, looking disgusted. "That's awful." 

I glared at her.

"She didn't kill anybody. Besides, you're not always so innocent yourself."

Leila blushed through the dim hallway. "How can you be so sure she's not guilty? You know we don't kill humans unless we have to." Even though her words made me angry, her tone was softer.

"It's her sister who's dead, Lei. The same person she cried about that first day?"

Suddenly we heard a loud pounding like someone clanking pans together. Leila glanced at me worriedly, but I shook my head and pressed my ear against the door once again. This time, the voices were much clearer.

"Still nothing, John?"

"Not sure. But if the bastard won't open up soon, we'll have to find some other way in," John responded. I gritted my teeth at his awful words.

The other person sighed. "What makes you so sure the girl's even in there?"

There was silence before John spoke again.

"I just know, Matthew. Mrs. Patterson said she saw Mawlkin standing on the sidewalk right next to the woods. She looked away for a moment and when she glanced back, the girl was gone. Only reasonable explanation is that she came and hid out here. We've been out for hours and haven't found nothing but this!"

I bit my lip and looked at Leila. She too now had her head against the door. Our eyes met and she shook her head, motioning with her hand. I nodded. We would listen for a while before telling Luke what we'd heard.

"So? That doesn't mean she's in here!"

John growled.

"You idiot! This place is unlisted. Aren't even records of who built it. Of course she would come here! Mawlkin obviously isn't stupid. Think, Matthew. She's been out in the woods for a week. It's the middle of October! She knew that she'd freeze without shelter, and she found this place. There are even fruit trees and a stream nearby!"

I mouthed, October? at Leila. She shrugged. None of us knew, or cared, what about the time of year. We hardly went outside or left the school, why would we care?

Matthew grumbled. "Let's just focus on getting inside. We've got bolt cutters, correct? We can just cut these chains and use the tow hook to get the doors open."

At the same moment me and Leila looked at each other and jumped up in sync. The worried look on her face most definitely matched mine as we began hurrying down the hallway. Time to tell Luke. NOW.  

A/N: Did you like that chapter? Do any of you live in Belfast? I don't, so I'm sorry if any of the information is off. Anyway, I chose Maine because it has so many forests, and Belfast for the same reason. 

~|Fun Fact: Jackson has never cursed once in his life. Instead, his favorite phrases are "fudge," "holy crap," and "mother of guacamole."|~

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