{33} Distrusted

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Carson's POV

As we walked out of the store, a ding exited my pocket. I closed my eyes tightly, praying it wasn't what I thought it was, and pulled my phone out. I frowned at the contact name on the screen: Grant Jerry. Sighing, I turned to Corra.

"Corr, you go on ahead. Someone's texting me, I'll catch up."

Corra nodded, her gorgeous brown eyes shimmering, and began walking across the street to the dirt path that led to the school.

Shaking my head slightly, I traced my password out on the phone and perked at the unlocking noise. Immediately I began typing.

Me: Yes, Grant, what is it?

Grant: You have to get over here, as soon as you can. It's happening soon. We have enough information. Boss says probably tomorrow, but he wants you already here. You know where to go, right?

I looked up in the direction that Corra had left in, regret filling my senses. 

The next time I see her she could be dead.

Quickly, I pushed the thought away and focused on Grant.

Me: Idiot. I'm not stupid. Of course I know where I'm going. Lucky for y'all, I'm already outside. I'll just tell Corra that I enjoyed being outside and needed a break from the school. She'll understand. Girl used to sneak out all the time, when she was invisible. 

Grant: Dude. I'm sorry. Don't tell Boss this, but... 

Grant: I'll see if I can protect her in some way. People there are effing awful, but Corr... she sounds nice.

Me: You don't even know. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Four years, you know. It's hard to hide your feelings for that long.

Grant: Y'know, that just proves what a good person you are. Most dudes would just date her because of what she looks like. But... like, it's kind hard to when you don't even know what she looks like. She could've been fat with ugly glasses and long, ratted red braids.

Me: Not technically. I knew she wasn't fat because I would hug her all the time, and I could feel how... slender she was. And glasses, she couldn't have those because, well, I would be able to see them. Things that she holds or touches are visible, y'know. And she can't even see herself, so no braiding hair.

Grant: Hm. My point is that you're a good guy for her. 

Grant: Hey, Car? I've been meaning to ask you something for a good long time.

Me: Yeah, what?

Grant: Um... like, I know why I hate that freaking school. Because it's dangerous and it's a prison. Even if I've never been there. But you, you've lived there for four years and never complained once except for when you told Boss that you'd join him. What happened?

Me: I... it's because of Corra. Luke is nice most of the time. But a year or two ago, Corra had a breakdown. The usual, y'know. It's tough when nobody can or will pay attention to you. But the thing is, she ran and hid, which she's never done before. She went into the restroom and curled up in a ball in the corner. Nobody knew she was in there, 'cause, invisible. I begged Luke to find her, but he told me she would come out. Said, "she's fine, Carson. Leave it be. Corra will come out when she wants to." But he didn't realize how serious it was. 'Few days passed, and he still wouldn't look for her. A week passed. Finally, a girl tripped on her in the bathroom. She was practically dead. She hadn't had any water in a week... I suppose, after a few days, her body went into a coma. That's why she didn't come out. She recovered after a few months, but... I've never forgiven him. 

Grant: Oh. Eff.

Me: Anyway, I'll be there soon, Grant. Wait for me. 'Bye.

Trying to ignore the sudden feeling of rage exploding in my body, I slipped the phone back in my pocket and began running down the path to catch up with Corra. 

~time skip brought to you by... nothing, I suppose...~

"Hey, Corr."

She turned, and I sucked my breath in as her brown eyes glittered at me. 

How do they always manage to do that?

"Carson. What's up? You took a long time."

I shrugged, trying not to bite my lip like I normally did when nervous. Corra would immediately notice something was wrong.

"I was thinking. Y'know. I haven't been outside in awhile, this was really nice. I want to stay out a little longer. I kind of want to try something new. A hotel. I haven't been in one since I was little. My mom brought my family to Florida, so we could go to Disney and see the States... but yeah, it's been forever. I want the experience again. Will you tell Luke for me?"

She nodded slowly, frowning slightly.

"Okay? I guess. But isn't it, y'know, a bit dangerous? With the people attacking and all?"

I shook my head. "Sure, but they wouldn't just attack me out in the open. They would try to bring me somewhere, and to do that they'd have to talk to me. And. You know. I would be able to tell immediately they killed Raven. I would leave, and it still would be good. Because we would have more information. So. Okay?"

She nodded, but still had a concerned gleam in her eyes. It felt sort of good that she was worried about me, so I placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to ignore the fireworks that exploded in my stomach.

"I'll be safe, Corra, I promise. No one will try murdering me, and if they did it wouldn't be pretty. For them."

That was true. They weren't going to try to kill me, not when they need me...

"Alright. Be careful, okay? Don't talk to ayone, unless you, y'know, suspect."

Her face scrunched up, like she really wanted me not to go. Trying to ignore the pit that filled my heart, I nodded and turned away.

See you in Hell, Corra. 

A/N: Mhm, so we have a traitor... I purposely didn't add Carson in the story before this because he's supposed to... never mind, too many spoilers :3

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