{19} Cover

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Avery's POV

I wheeled the blanketed cart behind me, chewing on my lip nervously. Julie was ready; I'd removed her from the coffin she'd been in for a few months out of the downstairs storage room and was taking her to Luke's office. You could say I was more than a little nervous. We were doing something incredibly dangerous. What ifs flew around my brain like birds in a cage.

Somebody could get hurt. Somebody could die.

What if they don't find Julie's body? What if it isn't obvious enough?

I bit my lip. Echo seemed nice and all, but was she worth all this trouble? I wasn't sure.

I stopped in front of Luke's door and knocked twice before sticking my head in. He raised an eyebrow, and leaned back in his black spinning chair.

"I see you've done your job, Avery?"

I nodded silently. I'd learnt a long time ago not to say anything when you're scared. Talking about fears makes you think about them, and that just makes you even more frightened.

"Alright. I'll text everyone and tell them you're done. Will you take Rhyme out and look at those tire marks? Also, please get rid of that disgusting car."

Again I nodded and left the room quietly, shutting the door softly behind me. I took a deep breath in the solitude of the hallway before leaning against the wall and pulling out my purple cased phone from the pocket of my leggings. Just like many other teens, I sometimes wondered why they were placed in pants like these, but in times like this is did come in handy.

AverySinghe23: hey Rhyme, where are u? Luke wants us to go outside and check for any traces rn.

rhythmrhyme: ok sounds good. just helping lucy with somethin. meet me at her dorm.

I sighed and slipped my phone in the pocket before turning to the left, refusing to look at the covered body sitting in the metal cart. Focusing my eyes on the hallway in front of me, I speed walked across the tiled floor, turning a few corners pass the lunchroom, training room, gameroom, and a few dorms, until I came to a door labeled, 'Jackson Myers & Lucy Kyle.'

Quickly I turned the handle and stuck my head in through the open doorway, smiling as I saw Rhyme and Lucy discussing their plans for our next whole-school battle.

"Hey guys," I grinned, fluttering my fingers in front of my face as I waved gracefully. They both turned and Rhyme blinked at me once before getting up, a small smile on her face.

"Anyway," she told Lucy, "we can talk more about this later. Text me?"

Lucy nodded. The two gave each other one last look before Rhyme followed me out the door.

I rubbed my hands together. "So, do you know how to drive, Mrs. All-High-and-Mighty?"

You could say I was a little pissed about our last practice session.

She glared at me. "Fuck off, Avery. We both know I can't drive shit," she muttered. I put my hands up, mocking a shocked expression.

"Whoa, whoa! No need to use such inappropriate profanity!" I teased. She rolled her blue eyes.

"Anyway, let's get going."


Rhyme paced in front of the tire tracks, frowning slightly. I sighed and glanced at my wrist, which didn't even have a watch. She'd been standing there, staring at the marks, for at least 20 minutes.

"What's the holdup?" I asked snarly as my patience disappeared. The black haired girl glanced up at me for a moment before glaring and looking down again.

"Just wait a minute, Avery. I have to find out what species of grass there is nearby to the dirt so it doesn't seem suspicious."

I groaned loudly. "Nobody pays attention to those things like you do, Rhyme. Leave it be. They won't think twice about some weird looking grass. And even if they do, no way will they connect it to 'Echo's' death or those officers'."

Rhyme sighed, leaning away even though I could see the OCD tingling at the back of her hands.

"What grass species is showing up the most around it?"

She glanced down before responding. "Kentucky bluegrass. Will only take a second to grow, although it may take a few hours for it actually to adapt."

I nodded. "Alright. Get started then."

I watched as Rhyme stuck her hand out, palm facing the dirt on the ground. Not all students had to use their limbs; many were able to make things happen with their words or mind, but others such as us, the elemental students, didn't.

Slowly Rhyme's eyes traced her arm as she watched something I couldn't see. A green light burst out of her fingertips, and swirled around like mist before settling on the warm ground like snowflakes. A second passed before the dots buried themselves on the ground. All seemed normal, until simultaneously grass buds shot out of the ground like bullets, growing larger and longer in front of our eyes until the once brown tracks were completely covered.

I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Even though I was an elemental student myself with the power of fire, it was quite amazing to see Rhyme's abilities in use. She never really did cease to amaze me.

Rhyme looked up at me, her eyes glowing a dark blue. She must have wanted to show off, because she kept them that way before letting them fade back to her normal, baby blue. I smirked.

"That was quite a stunt you pulled there, Rhyme."

She sighed, and for a moment I felt bad. Rhyme really was good at her powers, even if I often told her the opposite.

"You did well," I added without a second thought.

The edges of Rhyme's lips lifted.

No matter what rivalry we have, it's still nice to see her happy.

A/N: So I decided this chapter would end on a happy note. But buckle up, because you're going to need it for the terrifying roller coaster you're about to endure.

~|Fun Fact: If Echo decided to become a leader, she would be the youngest one in history. So far, the record is at 17 years old, and the current youngest leader is Lee, who's 22 years old.|~

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang