{39} Fearless

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Isaac's POV

I stomped up the stone stairs, growling with every beat as my heavy boots pounded against the steps. I arrived at my destination, an oak wood door with a shiny bronze knob and a few bloodstains; hardly noticeable against the dark maroon color, and pushed it open, slamming the door against the wall. As I entranced, I watched all of my students jump at the sudden noise.

"Somebody called?!" I hissed, holding up the black walkie-talkie in my hand. I shifted my weight to my left leg in the dark black jeans, glaring at anyone who dared to meet my eyes. Raine Tigger walked forward, wearing a modest long velvet red dress, her dark purple hair twisted up above her head.

Raine wringed her hands nervously, looking around at everyone but me. I tapped my foot impatiently, staring forward coldly. As far as these students knew, I was heartless and cruel. None of them had seen my reactions to Adasia and Jackson -- my heart hurt as I thought about them -- and I planned to keep my weaknesses secret.

"What is it, Raine?!" I growled, taking a step forward in a threatening way. She looked up at me quickly before flinching and lowering her gaze.

"She escaped," Raine muttered under her breath. My eyes narrowed, unblinking. My glare was so harsh I was slightly afraid I would hurt myself. 

I expected that. Then she is obviously just as powerful as I thought.

My spine tingled just thinking about it. All that power.

"And how did she escape?" I whispered, my voice dangerously low. Anyone who was looking at me averted their eyes. My hands were clenched so tightly at my sides that I could feel the tension spreading towards my arms, but I didn't care.

"Through the ceiling, and out the window," Tallis offered. He motioned with his head towards the glass, which was now shattered. I cussed at the blood dripping down the wall before glancing back at my friend. My face softened as I looked at him.

"Who was supposed to be watching her?" I asked softly. Tallis may have been only one year older than I, but he was a hundred times more mature and cool-headed. I looked up to him -- even if I was his leader -- and he was the most respected person at our hideout besides myself.

Tallis pointed at Grant Jerry, his eyebrow raising in accusation. Grant gulped, stepping back and lifting his arms as if to shield his face.

"To be fair, Boss, I went to go to the bathroom and I asked Raine to watch her. When I came back, they were both gone."

I spun back around to face the purple haired girl, features hardening. I gritted my teeth together in frustration.

"You can't do one simple job, Raine?!?"

She whimpered softly and recoiled back. But I had to punish her for not paying attention to Echo. She was a prize -- more important than all of them put together. Why couldn't they see that?

Walking forward, I raised my arm and slapped Raine across the face. She let out a quiet shriek, afraid to make too much noise, and pressed her hand against her cheek, which began to turn red. I turned away from her and pressed my hard glare against everyone else.

"Grant and Tillas, you are in charge of gathering the strongest students. Take them on a patrol, secure everywhere. Look for her. Don't return until you have her with you."

With that, I left the room, leaving my trusted advisers to deal with everyone else. The bloody oak door swung shut behind me.

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