{23} Vagally

11 1 0

Skylar's POV

I was walking down the hallway, heading towards Lee's classroom for lesson practice, when I saw Keith and a newcomer coming in my direction, chatting excitedly. Almost immediately, I frowned.

Two girls in a week? Already?

"Hey!" I called out, waving at Keith. He turned his head, face breaking into a smile. I watched as his hand wrapped around the girl's elbow, and he dragged her over to me. She laughed as he did, her eyes brightening.

I wonder how she can be so happy right now...

They stopped in front of me, and I smiled lightly.

"Who's the new girl?"

They glanced at each other quickly, and Keith bit his lip. She furrowed her eyebrows, shrugging. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Quit your non oral communication... what secret are you keeping from me?

"Uh... she isn't new." Keith spoke slowly and carefully, as if he were thinking over the words. I blinked.


The girl gave me an apologetic smile before placing her small hand on the curve of my shoulder. I closed my eyelids and flinched at the touch; her fingers were icy against my warm skin.

"It's me, Corra."

My eyes popped open. "Corra?!" I squeaked, leaning forward as I studied her face. I wanted to see if my memory could recall any feature of hers... anything that could prove it really was Corra -- visible -- in front of me.

"Yes. We're on our way to see Luke, okay?"

She lightly pushed me away; I couldn't move in my shock.


"A-alright... s-see you l-later..." I managed to stammer. My voice sounded weak and unsure. I was utterly confused, and had a headache.

Is this just a strange dream?

Corra giggled and stepped towards Keith. Leaving me to stand within my thoughts, she linked her arm in his and the two of them continued walking down the hallway.

I didn't ask her how she managed to do it. After so many years....

Oh well.

After a second of standing still, paralyzed, I was finally able to put one foot in front of the other. I started hurrying across the floor, suddenly remembering the class lesson with Lee.

I cursed myself mentally as I pranced past many doors, praying I wasn't too late.

I skidded to a stop in front of a door labeled 'LEC.' (Liam Erecson's Class). I smiled internally before pushing the door open, sticking my head in to see how far they'd already gone in the lesson. Thankfully, I could see Lee was just getting started, as Lee and the other three students were taking things out of their backpacks and desks.

Quickly I hurried to my seat at the front of the room, and reached in the cupboard under the right side of my table. I pulled on the knob, and almost immediately three textbooks and hundreds of sheets of paper flew out.

I looked up slowly to see everyone staring at me. My face turned red as a tomato, and I tried to sink down in my cushion.

"Oops..." I whispered, ignoring Raven, who was now giggling to herself. She brushed a lock of black hair out of her face, and stuck her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes, embarrassed.

"Mrs. Williams," Lee cleared his throat, "and Mrs. Sonyh. Would you like to share what is so hilarious?"

I cringed at my last name. At all other times, Lee could call us by whatever he wanted -- hell, he even had nicknames for some of us -- but during class time, Luke wanted it to be like a real 'public school.' Whatever the fuck that meant... I'd never actually been to a school besides Sahar. As a child, I was home schooled.

"Nothing," Raven snickered.

I sighed. Everyone else in the room could clearly see all that had fallen out of my desk. Trying not to draw more attention to myself than I already had, I leaned down and picked up the papers and notebooks, cramming them back into the tight space.

I'll organize that later. Does next year sound good to you?

"Clumsy," I heard Raven mutter under her breath. At that, I growled and jumped up, almost smacking my head on the wood underside.

It's not my fault these cupboards can't do shit.

"Do you want to forget everything you've ever learned? Hm... how 'bout I make it so that you can't even walk!" I spat, glaring at the dark brunette.

She recoiled back, and I felt relieved at the frightened look in her eyes. I wasn't lying. Just a few seconds and I could make her lose her memory completely... she would be disabled her entire life and have to leave Sahar Academy.

She knows it.

"Mrs. Williams!" Lee scolded. I turned to him, my anger fading slightly. I glanced down at my feet, showing submission to my leader.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"Sit down. I don't want to hear another word from either of you."

Reluctantly I lowered myself into the seat, pretending not to feel the stares of the others. I felt bad for lashing out at Raven, especially with Troye around. I didn't want him to see my... less friendly side.

"Alright, you four, today we're not going to be practicing anything much different from Thursday. I want you to pair up. Decide who will be the defender, and who will be the offender. Maiming or injuring is not allowed, no excuses. Besides this, there are no rules.

Your objective is to make the other surrender. For those of you with much pride, surrendering does not make you weak. It only means you are tired, or that the person you are battling is more powerful than you. Get started."

I spun around, my eyes searching for someone to pair up with. My first choice would've been Troye, but as I found his doe-colored brown hair I wasn't surprised to see Raven protectively standing way too close to his side.

I sighed as I felt a hand slip into mine. I turned to see Mia looking up at me, her large brown eyes gleaming. "Ready, Sky?" she asked gleefully.

NO. I'm not ready. When will I finally have a chance to pair up with Troye?

Instead, I lied. "Yup. Let's do this."

A/N: So I made a promise that in each chapter something new will happen, unless it's a continuation of the 'new thing' from the last chapter. So the next chapter will be them battling in Lee's class. After that, things will get real interesting. Stay tuned.

~|Fun Fact: Every two days, classes have lessons together as a whole. Although they still have their individual lessons once a week, this is when they all come together. Normally at these times they learn a few of different things: how to control their powers, how to use their powers creatively, partner attacks, and how to use others' powers to their advantage. It is completely up to the leader to decide what the lessons are about, but during the whole-school battles their improvement is shown. This is why the losing class of the whole-school battle is instructed either for the leader to have better lessons, or for the students to participate more in them.|~

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora