{24} Vibrate

11 1 0

Mia's POV


Instantly the two of us began battling, stepping away from each other as we gathered enough strength to use as much power as we possibly could. I began staring deeply into her eyes, thinking mentally about the most annoying song I'd heard a month or two before I put it on to full volume. I watched as Sky's eyes glazed over. She was momentarily distracted.

Grasping the chance, I spun behind her and kicked the back of her shins, causing her to fall to the ground with an 'umph.' She groaned and put her palms neatly around her pale ears. Grateful that the music was keeping her weak, I turned the volume up even louder.

Skylar twisted over onto her back and began gasping, her hands pushed against her head so violently I began to worry she'd crush her skull. Her dark eyes began to widen and she curved her neck back and forth. I bit my lip, realizing she was trying to fight back.

Knowing it would torture her, I roughly reached down and pulled her hands away from her ears, pinning them down by her sides. Skylar began squirming, so I sat down on her knees and put all my weight down on her arms.

The brunette stopped struggling and began panting. I realized, hours after the fight, that as I was distracted by her movements, I forgot to concentrate on the music. As a punishment for my foolishness, I watched with horror as her eyes lost their dizzied look and instead began to glow. Desperately I tried to take back control, but it was too late.

Skylar sat up abruptly, growling fiercely like a rabid dog. I smiled nervously and began slowly walking away from her, but she had already begun.

I gasped as her eyes glowed with a familiar lavender. Although none of us were able to change the color of our eyes, Sky's glowed light purple when she was hypnotizing...

She began chanting in a low voice, staring forward as she did so.

"You don't want to fight me, you know I'll win," she repeated over and over.

After a second or two of listening I nodded my head slowly, my mind convincing me that what she said was true.

I don't want to hurt her. I'll learn nothing from it. She's too strong for me.

"You feel tired. You want to go to sleep. This is your room, this is a dream. You're so, so tired..."

She continued on, and I nodded with complete agreement. Sure enough, my eyelids were beginning to shut with exhaustion.

So... so, tired...

With one more look around my room, I smiled at Troye and Raven, who were now watching us with amazement in their--

Wait. Troye? Raven? What are they doing in my dorm? Is this a sleepover?

A small voice in the back of my head reminded me,

You're dreaming. Remember?

I nodded and continued staring into Skylar's eyes. She was saying something, but her mouth moved without any sound.

You're unable to see faces in dreams, my main thoughts countered.

I opened my mouth to argue, but they were right.

So this isn't a dream?


She's lying, then.

I narrowed my eyes at Skylar, who was now trying to come closer, her arms out towards me and her mouth curled up in a smile.

Don't listen to her! She's trying to hurt you.

Really? Why?

Just ignore her. Tell her that you won't listen.

I really don't think that's necessary. This is a dream.


I frowned, my eyes studying Skylar as she began to put her hands on my shoulders. I couldn't decide whether to fall asleep, or give in to the theory of 'it's not a dream.'

Oh. Right. How do I know, again?

You don't see faces in dreams. It's been that way since you were little. If that's not proof enough for you... um... well, you have extra fingers in dreams.

I nodded and lifted up my palm to count my fingers. Skylar was trying to push me onto the floor, but I ignored her.

Stop, Sky. I don't want to sleep yet.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

I stared at the pinky on my left hand.

See? So far so good...

One of my knees buckled lightly from Sky pushing on me.

6... 7... 8... 9... 10...

I pushed my palms against each other and lined the fingers up. Eight digits, two thumbs. A total of ten.

Told you so.

I looked up at Sky and shook my head. She stopped trying to push me to the ground and furrowed her eyebrows. I gave her a sorry smile, and sated witly,

"You liar."

With that, I opened my jaws and let out a high-pitched shriek, so deafening that through the corner of my eye I could see Troye, Raven, and Lee all plugging their ears and so expanded that after twenty seconds or so I was struggling to breathe. Struggling to hold onto the noise, I allowed my voice to slowly fade lower and quieter.

Finally, I stopped. All of the air rushed into my lungs simultaneously, and my throat began to burn. I collapsed to my knees, taking deep breaths as I tried to recover from my scream.

After I'd managed to recollect myself, I glanced over at Skylar. She was, as expected, unconscious on the ground, her eyes shut tightly and her hands still over her ears. I smirked.

"Who's dreaming now?"

A/N: This chapter wasn't the greatest... I know... but I do like the ending, haha.

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