{32} Distance

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Corra's POV

"Hey, Carson," I greeted. He smiled, his brown eyes twinkling in the sunlight as we stepped outside.

"Nice to finally see you, Corr."

He chuckled, and I smirked at his pun.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, what are we doing, again? Keith wouldn't tell me, just said to meet you out here."

He scratched his temple, a soft smile on his lips.

"We're getting cameras. Apparently we need to put the entire place on a sort of lockdown."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Pretty sure being partly-trapped for years inside of a building without hardly ever seeing the sun can be called a lockdown. It's a wonder you're so tan."

Carson laughed, and I could've sworn a blush crept up on his cheeks.

"Yeah, well, I was born and raised in Mexico. Pretty sure I'll always be bronze colored."

"I'm from--" I started, but he cut me off.

"Oregon. I know."

I face-palmed.

"Right. I forgot. How can you even know all about me?"

He winked.

"It's my power, babe."

I rolled my eyes, groaning.

"Sure. But let's see how much you actually know, hm? My birthday is--"

"December 25th. A Christmas girl."

"Whatever. Um... I had three dogs and two--"

"Cats. Two Siberian Huskies, named Tofu and Julanda. A Dalmation named Perks. Than, an American Shorthair named Velviv and a Maine Coon named Scarlet."

I smiled nervously.

"You have no idea how creepy that is. Honestly."

I began walking down the path that led from the school doors to the store. Well, it wasn't really a path. More like an area covered in mud and dirt from our many boots with pressed-down grass.

"Funny how we were actually allowed to go through the front doors this time, right?"

Carson began walking behind me, and I heard him nod his head.

"Yup. It's strange, but I think that Luke is starting to realize we need to have more things to do outside."

I murmured, "'bout time."

"How much about me do you know?"

I raised an eyebrow, but didn't turn around as we swerved to the right, past a grove of evergreen trees.

"Ah, I'm not really sure. You're from Mexico, but not Mexican. You're birthday is in September -- I only know that because remember how Luke assigned you to show me around the school, but you'd only been there a few months and could hardly take me anywhere? -- and you're seventeen. Power is ability to learn everything about a person just by speaking a word to them."

Carson snorted.

"September 27th. That's my birthday. And I can control how much I learn about you. It's like a... checklist I want to learn. For example, I don't allow myself to know what somebody's sexuality or lover/crush is unless absolutely necessary. Those personal things. Just what is needed to be known about them; age, birthday, personality, things they prefer. The crap I'd find out soon enough anyway."

I nodded slowly.

"I'm heterosexual. I don't have a lover, or crush."

Carson laughed as we continued to walk.

"I already knew that."

I stopped in my tracks and put my palms on my hips.

"Excuse me? You just said you respect people's personal crap!"

Carson smirked at me, enjoying my anger.

"I met you when I was thirteen. I didn't know how to control my power, Corra. I had no checklist to choose from. It wasn't until I was about fifteen that I was able to decide how much of people I learned."

I blinked, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Oh. That makes sense. Sorry."

He shook his head, chuckling.

"It's fine. Let's keep moving, okay?"

~time skip because, again, walking is not important :P~

I opened the door, smiling cheerfully at the ringing sound it made as Carson and I walked inside.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

A man sitting at the front desk smiled at us. I beamed back politely.

"Do you have any security cameras we could buy?"

He nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"You two look a bit... young... to be buying stuff like that. Is it for a job?"

I turned to Carson, who was standing, frozen, with his eyes locked on the man.

"Hey, Car." I nudged him, but he just continued to stare at the dude.

"Do you know that guy?" I whispered in his ear. Carson jumped.

"Ah, what? Oh. Right. Yeah, we need cameras. Um, sure... it's for a job."

I turned back at the clerk, who nodded slowly with a knowing smile on his face.

"Alright then. Follow me." He moved out from behind the desk and walked over to an aisle nearby.

"Say, what are your names? Haven't seen you around here. New to town?"

I shook my head, glancing at Carson for support. Having been invisible for most of my life, I didn't have much practice talking to strangers.

"Auhm, no. We're just... visiting. We're visiting family."

The man nodded, and began pulling things off the shelf.

"That's nice. Thanksgiving is coming up in just a few weeks, you here for that?"

My eyes widened.

Thanksgiving?! Holy jeez!

"A-hum.. er, n-no. Our Uncle... Luke is sick, and we're here with our parents to check on him."

From behind me, I saw Carson smirk at the name of our 'Uncle.'

"Oh, that's too bad. So, what did you say your names are again?"

He turned around with multiple small cameras in his arms. I took them graciously.

"C-Coral. Coral... Tiera. And this is my brother, Cameron."

Carson smiled and shook the man's hand.

"Hello, Xavier... I mean... uhm..."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Do you two know each other?"

Carson shook his head violently.

"Uh, n-no. He's... um... it says his name on the tag."

Sure enough, Carson pointed at a name sewn on to the front of the shirt. I nodded slowly.

"Uh, okay. Thank you for helping us, Xavier. Car--Cameron, let's go."

I handed the man a few hundred-dollar bills, telling him to keep the change, and we headed out the door.

A/N: Yup, I know; the ending absolutely sucked. But I was really wanting to write this next chapter... stay tuned ;)

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