{18} Mine

10 1 0

Keith's POV

I walked into my dorm and stood in the middle for a moment, blinking. I'd forgotten what I'd gone in there to do, but thankfully I was reminded as my eyes trailed over the notebook on my desk.

Quickly I moved over and sat in my chair, picking out a #2 pencil from my red marker cup. I held it between my fingers and spun it a few times before bringing the end up to my mouth and chewing on the eraser, trying to think.

Finally I brought the tip down to the first notebook page and began to write.

Dear                               ,

I found Mawlkin. Unfortunately, she is no longer alive. After going into the woods, she must have gotten lost and passed, most likely from dehydration.

The same has happened to myself. Matthew and I got seperated a few days ago. Trying to find him, I got completely lost. My phone is dead, and the radio broken. I have not had water in three days now.

If you read this, I am most definitely dead. Please tell my family I love them.

It's been an honor working for you.


I leaned back in the chair, smiling. In a minute, I'd look up the name of the chief of the Belfast Police Department and John's last name, and then the letter would be ready.

There was a knock on the door, distracting me from my thoughts. I looked up and frowned. "Leila?" I questioned. I had no roommate, and my brunette friend was the only one to ever come to my door.

"It's Echo," the voice whispered. I raised an eyebrow. Why did that shy girl want to talk to me?

"Come in," I grunted, turning back towards my letter. The door squeaked open, and and the young teenager stepped inside. I swung in my chair, preparing myself for a mature talk. That didn't happen.

All of a sudden I was met by her wide blue eyes. They were dark colored and yet somehow so bright at the same time. Her wavy brown hair was glowing with golden highlights and her skin tan from the sun.

I stood up, opening and closing my mouth embarrassingly. Echo raised an eyebrow.

Finally, my voice came back to me. "I-- what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to regain some of my dignity.

She smiled, and my heart fluttered in my chest. Her smile was so damn perfect... I just wanted to kiss her light pink lips... NO!! She's two years younger than you, Keith, quit it!

"Luke wanted to tell you that Luke has Julie ready... are you done with the letter?"

Her eyes lit up as she spoke and I smiled. "Yup. All done. Are you ready? I know this can't be the most pleasant way to end your week."

Echo sighed. "I mean... I've dealt with worse. This week has actually been... one of the best. You guys are all so nice to me and I feel like I've known some of you all my life."

Echo smiled up at me once again, and the butterflies danced in my stomach. "I... thank you. Thanks to all of you. Without you guys I'd... I'd be so, so lost."

Without thinking, I reached forward and wrapped my arms around the beautiful girl, my eyes widening as sparks tingled at every area of my body hers was touching.

"You don't need to thank us," I whispered in her ear. She shivered in my embrace. "We're more than happy to have you here."

A/N: Aww... Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will hopefully be longer. 

Supernaturals: Secrets (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें