{22} Visible

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Keith's POV

I skipped girlishly down the hallway, humming to myself. I wasn't sure why I was in a good mood, but I had a hunch...

I just can't stop thinking about her.

Yes, it was true. Echo's amazing blue eyes were stuck in my head...

As I walked, I almost ran into a wall. Dazed, I stared at the plaster in front of me as I rubbed my forehead. Pay attention, idiot.

I turned the hallway towards the direction of Corra's dorm. She almost never left... at least, that's what it seemed like. Corra was naturally quiet, and always being invisible meant that she was probably just lurking around somewhere...

As I walked across the tiles, my tennis shoes squeaking on the freshly cleaned floor, I noticed a figure in front of me. Normally I would find that normal, except this girl I didn't recognize.

She was short, maybe about 15 or 16, with long pale blonde hair reaching her elbows and bangs covering her eyes. With my enhanced eyesight, I could just see the small brown freckles scattered on her cheeks, dark against her tan skin. She looked like a girl from California; not Maine. I frowned, and thoughts spiraled around my brain.

Did she break in?

Is she a newcomer? If so, why didn't she just spawn at the front, with Leila?

Can she teleport? Or does she have some other ability that allowed her to come in here?

Who is she?

"Hello," I called down the hallway at the girl. She was staring down at her hands, turning them over as if there was some sort of unknown mark on them. When she turned and looked up at me, her mesmerized blue eyes lit up.

"Keith!" she squealed.

I froze.

How does she know my name?

I recognize that voice.. who is she?

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I asked carefully, walking forward slowly and one step at a time. She frowned, her blue eyes trailing over every single one of my features, before recognition appeared on her face.

"Sorry," she apologized. Again my ears tingled at the sound. Why was that voice so fucking familiar?

I took another step closer and she did too. Instantly I raised my eyebrows.

"I... uh... how do I explain this? Keith, it's me. Corra."

As she said that it clicked. Duh, Keith! It's.... Corra?

Realization hit me.

"What?!? But how?!? How did you--"

She cut me off by running forward and smashing me into a gigantic hug. I tensed up; after all, I'd given Corra hugs before, but it felt weird being able to see her. Eventually, I returned it.

"It was Echo," she whispered into my shoulder. At the name my heart fluttered.

"How did she do it?" I pulled back cautiously, not wanting to hurt Corra's feelings. She must be ecstatic. I can't imagine the feeling of someone seeing me for the first time.

"It's hard to explain," Corra paused. She bit her lip, and a look flashed over her face.

Normally, I was good at reading people, but because this was the first time I'd ever seen Corra... well...

"Try to," I prodded.

"She basically helped me along, told me how to focus and change back," Corra explained briefly.

After a moment of looking at her face, I came to the conclusion that she was not being completely truthful. But understanding the need of personal space, I said nothing about it.

"That's awesome, Corra. C'mon, we should go see Luke. He'll be so proud of you."

As we walked down the hallway, I forgot the reason I'd originally went looking for Corra.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. What did you think of it? How do you think Echo was able to make Corra turn visible? 

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