Aunty Elijah

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Authors P.O.V.

It was a regular day in the lair, Swag and the Street Punks were hanging out together and Swift was holding his son, Caesar, and Raph was sitting next to his mate on the couch, along with the brothers. They all decided to have a 'hang out day' to catch up on things, since the brothers lived in different apartments to live with their boyfriends, same with Elijah and Kate.

Slash, R.B, Anthony, Elijah, and Pharaoh were all on their way at the moment.

"So, how's it going with you guys and the baby, have you guys figured out if he's going to be a Punk or Swag yet?" The youngest of Swag, Mikey, asked the couple holding their son. The question he just asked made them look at him and the others, then smiled. "Well, we just thought that Caesar can choose on his own when he's older, and who knows, he could be a mixture of both, since he technically does have both of our blood in him." The leader of the Street Punks told them for an answer. "That's what I was thinking!" A voice called out from behind them, making them all turn around. Rex was the one who spoke up and he also had Slash, Kita, and Anthony behind him, walking into the lair and going over to the living room.

"Hey guys." Leo greeted, standing up and giving high threes and bro hugs to his mutant friends, the rest of the two gangs did the same thing Leo did and they all sat back down to chat.

"Is Elijah here yet?" Anthony asked.

"No." Raph answered.

"I swear that girl is always late, even when we're hanging out." R.B sighs.

"Well that's Elijah for you. Come on, you guys know her, but it does make me wonder of what she's doing during her spare time." Swift admits.

"I don't think we want to know. She sort of scares me." Anthony shivers, goosebumps appearing on his green skin, making the others chuckle. "What!? She is! Don't say that she gets under your skin, too!" Anthony defends.

"Well maybe, but don't tell her that." Raph says, the others nodding in agreement.

"Aw guys, I'm hurt. How rude." A fake pained voice says, making the others freeze in their place, not daring to move. They know that dark, creepy, maniacal voice anywhere. Elijah.

"O-Oh, hey Elijah, w-what's up?" Anthony says in a shaking voice, stuttering in fear. Who knows of what the female Punk would do now since she found out that everyone in the living room were scared of her.

They then heard her foot steps walking towards them, everyone still not moving and they all tensed.

The girl then appeared at the foot of the couch and looked at them, chuckling at their scared faces, "Calm down guys, I'm not gonna do anything with the baby around. I know when to not get violent at times like this." She says with a smirk, the guys all relaxing and letting out breaths that they didn't even know they were holding.

"Sorry, anyways, what took you so long, Eli?" Rebel asks his teammate.

"Kate wanted me to hang out with the girls, but all they really do is go to the movies and watch some romance film and then go to the salon, which is boorrriinnnggg, and then I end up being dragged around like a rag doll to some other places. So, I convinced Kate to let me hang out with my bros. I also wanted to see my nephew as well." She explained, mumbling of how Kate can be so stubborn, but the guys chuckled. "Don't laugh, the girl can be a pain sometimes, and it can be a pain also for being the guy in the relationship, too." She growled.

"True." Raph admitted, Ghost, M.C, Rebel, Pharaoh, Raph, Anthony, R.B, and Slash nodding in agreement because that literally is their role in their gay and straight relationships right now.

"Anyways, can I please see my nephew, I think you guys had enough time to squish him to death." Elijah said, matter-of-factly. Swift then lended Caesar in Elijah's arms, she then looked down at the sleeping baby and sat on the floor, cradling him.

"Are you and Kate planning on having kids, Elijah? You could adopt or I could do an operation." Donnie offered, but she turned down his request.

"No, it's alright, Don. Kate is actually thinking about having kids, hell, she's already thinking of what she wants to name them, how she's going to raise them, and blah blah blah." The only human in the group answers her friends.

"What about you, Elijah? What do you think?" Swift asked, "I mean, you're really good with Caesar, so I don't see a problem with you raising kids. Plus, you two would be awesome parents."

"Well yeah, but, I don't know. I mean, I'm not ready. Like, what if I mess up or fail as a parent, I can't support for my family, am I even ready for a family?" Elijah let's out a moment from her rambling and takes deep breaths.

"Elijah, it's okay. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. It's okay to be like that. Just take your time, and of course you're not gonna fail, you're really good with kids. You're gonna do great, you'll see." Raph encourages, trying to reassure his friend.

"Heh, thanks. I'll think about it." She smiles and looks down at her nephew, imagining it was her child she was holding.

Elijah was certainly a great aunty.

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