How Could You? (Part 2)

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Authors P.O.V.

After Swift pulled out of Elijah, he noticed something in between her legs and saw that there was blood. He panicked, how is he gonna tell his brothers and Swag about this?

He then looked at Elijah and growled. 'You know what? Screw it, have them yell at me or beat me up. I'm getting help.' He thought and wrapped Elijah in a blanket and then picked her up after putting on some pants, and rushed out of his room and down the stairs.

"Guys I need your help now!" He yelled out to the group of turtles who were in the living room. They were all facing the TV and not paying attention to the situation at hand.

"Swift what do you- holy shit!" Raph yelled out the last part when he turned his head and landed his eyes on the passed out punk in Swift's arms. The rest turned their heads too, all of them getting up and rushing towards the couple. Ghost immediately took Elijah from Swift's arms and rushed her into the lab, the others following.

*Time Skip*

"How did this happen?" Rebel asked after everything has calmed down and Elijah was all cleaned up and resting on the hospital bed in the lab. They all then turned to look at the leader.

"....I didn't mean it...." He said in a whisper while staring at Elijah, some of the others gasped at his response and stared at him in disbelief.

"Y-you what? Swift you- you did this to her?" M.C stuttered.

Swift only looked at the floor, not saying a word and only took the hits that the others threw at him.

"Why?" Rebel asked.

"It was my season and I lost control. I-I didn't and never meant to hurt her, but... I didn't listen when she said stop. I was being selfish and hurt her for my own pleasure. I didn't pay any attention to her needs. This is all my fault." He covered his eyes to hide his up-coming tears. He didn't want his brothers to see him like this, but at the same time, he didn't care.

"Damn right this is your fault. You fucking made her bleed! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Rebel yelled.

"Rebs, calm down." M.C tried to soothe his brother, but he didn't listen and only glared at the leader of the Street Punks.

"Take a good look at her Swift, this is your doing, understand!? You hurt her! And I wouldn't blame her if she broke up with you! What kind of boyfriend are you huh!? An abusive type? Because that's what it sounds like!!" Rebel yelled at him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. The others just stood there in silence, all of them shocked to see of how protective Rebel can be about Elijah. Rebel was panting from his yelling when they heard a small voice.

"Let him go Rebs."

Elijah's awake.

They all turned their heads toward the punk and Swift got out of Rebels hold and rushed to her side. Sitting in the chair next to her hospital bed, but she only turned her head in the other direction.

"How are you feeling Elijah?" Donnie asked softly and checked her health status.

"Fine..." She said quietly. "Could you guys leave the lab? I wanna talk to Swift." Her voice was darker and deeper on the last sentence. That was when they knew that she was angry. They all left and shut the door behind them.

The lab was now silent, just the two of them in peace, well, it would be peace if Elijah wasn't radiating an aura of anger and murder. "So... you lost control?" She asked in a dangerously calm and cool voice, making Swift feel uneasy.

"Eli, babe, I am so sorry, it was my heat and I couldn't think. You can hit me and yell at me all you want, hell, you can even break up with me, too. I just... I don't know of how to make it up to you, I'm sorry, Eli I am so sorry." He apologizes while looking down at his hands that were resting in his lap. The room was quiet once again, Elijah was thinking and Swift was hoping for her to accept his apology.

"...You made me bleed and pass out..." She said in a quiet voice.

Swift looked up at her in slight confusion but nodded and then looked away in guilt.

"You put me in the infirmary." Elijah was saying it like she was just now realizing it, like it was coming back to her head. "And I told you to stop because it hurt and you didn't listen.."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

The human then turned her head to look at him with a glare. "If you ever do this shit again... I'll fucking murder you." She said in the most darkest and coldest voice ever with the most scariest murderous and psychotic look in her eyes that literally made Swift flinch visibly.

"Y-yes ma'am." He stuttered out in fear.

She seemed to be satisfied with his reaction and leaned back against the pillows. "I forgive you."

He then smiled at Elijah, "Thank you." And hugged her.

"But no sex for two weeks and you can get off by yourself." She said with an evil smirk.

He gaped at her like she was crazy. "Y-you're kidding right?" He asked.

"No." She smirked.


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