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Description: This is just a little idea that I thought was kinda interesting and cool. This oneshot is where Elijah is captured by Shredder and by the time the punks come and save her, Shredder then injects mutagen in her and she transforms into a cat-like creature as you see from up top and then it goes on from there.


Authors P.O.V.

"Touch me and you'll fucking regret it, you bastard!" Elijah yelled in Shredder's face when he was chaining her wrists up.

Shredder just chuckled, "What? You think that those turtles are gonna do anything? How pathetic they are, it's sad really."

"Those turtles are my brothers and they will send you to hell! You'll see. The only pathetic person here is you, you cheese grater." Elijah smirked, but that only gotten her a punch in the face.

"Shut it!" Shredder growled in anger.

Elijah spit out some blood and glared. Just then, the doors to the lab burst open, revealing the Punks.

"Elijah!!" Swift called out.

"Guys!" Elijah called back out of happiness and struggled against the chains, but they were too strong and tight it hurt her, making her wince and hiss.

"Let her go, Shredder." Swift threatened and took a few steps forward, but Shredder had only gotten closer to Elijah's side more.

"I wouldn't come any closer than that," Metal-head warned, and held a needle to Elijah's neck, making everyone freeze in their places. "Or she turns into a mutant like you freaks." You could hear the evil smirk in his voice.

"You son of a-" Shredder cut off the leader.

"Drop your weapons." They hesitated, but the boys all dropped their weapons and took a step back. Shredder then plunged the needle in Elijah's neck.

"NO!!!!!" The guys yelled, and Elijah just stood their in complete shock and fear.

Shredder laughed evilly, "You can have her, right after the show." They were confused at his words, but when he released Elijah from the restraints, she landed on her hands and knees, panting.

"Guys..." Elijah looked up at them with fear evident in her eyes. Elijah gasped when she felt her bones start to shift. Tears were starting to form and drop, "Help me..."

Elijah was transforming.

Her bones were shifting and she started to grow fur, her hair was changing from bleach blonde to white and a little longer than before. Her body looked bigger and taller. She was growing a tail, claws, her teeth were bigger and sharper, and her ears were gone and turned into tiger ears on her head. Elijah was a tiger mutant.

The guys were just staring at her in shock. They never would've thought that Elijah would ever become a mutant in all her life, but now of what they're seeing, it's actually happening to her.

Finally, when it seemed like she was done changing, Elijah then collapsed onto the floor. Everyone was still and didn't dare make a move or sound, in fear if Elijah would attack or something. But she didn't move, all she really did was pant from exhaustion.

"Tsk, that's it? How lame. You freaks can have her. She's useless, I was hoping that she would be screaming. Oh well." Shredder said in boredom, walked towards the mutant tiger, and knelt down. "She really is no fun when it comes to pain. She tries her best to keep in her screams of pain and agony, how stupid." With that comment, Elijah's eye-lids snapped open to reveal her glowing blue eyes, and lunged at the metal villain. She scratched and clawed at him. The boys were still frozen and just watched everything happen, they were even more shocked to see of how powerful and sharp she was. Her claws were literally ripping through the metal armor like paper.

When the tiger seemed satisfied with an unconscious Shredder, she turned and looked at the four, panting. The turtles looked at Elijah's new form to get a good look. Honestly, Elijah was beautiful. She was a white tiger with piercing blue eyes that could look right through your soul.

"Elijah?" Swift spoke up in a soft voice and took one step forward.

It seemed like the tiger snapped out of some sort of trance and looked down at her hands, well in this case, paws, and froze. The boys all heard her say something, but it was muttered. But they think that she said something close to something like, "What am I doing?" And looked back up at them. Elijah's eyes gotten wide and fell to her knees with her head in her hands/paws. Elijah spoke up a little louder for the turtles to hear her.

"What have I done?" Elijah questioned herself and the boys took that as a cue to come over to her side.

"Elijah? Are you okay?" Swift asked her in worry.

"Guys...I'm a monster." Her words surprised the punks, but Swift swooped in and hugged her.

"No, you're not, Eli. He's the real monster and he got what he deserved. You did nothing wrong. You're okay, everything's gonna be alright, okay? We're gonna fix this. It's okay." Swift spoke in a soft voice and stroked her white hair.

"Look what he did to me." Elijah whispered and Swift pulled back to see her staring at her furry hands again in shock, her eyes were glassy looking, showing the group that she was about to let the tears go soon.

"Elijah, look at me." Swift said sternly and she obeyed. "There's nothing wrong with being different. You're one of us now, it's gonna be alright. We're gonna fix this somehow, someway, and turn you back to normal, okay? As long as you're still yourself, things will be normal as always." He looked her up and down, "You actually look beautiful to be honest with you." That made her blush, but she was thankful that her fur covered it up so the group couldn't see.

Swift then held out his hand, "Come on, lets go home." He smiled at her and she returned it, grabbing his hand.


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