Bets And Broken Feelings (Part 2)

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Elijah's P.O.V.

I was on my bed of my dark room of my house, just balling my eyes out. It's been a few days since I found out about their little prank and I've been a mess. I bet everyone noticed my disappearance since I haven't been at school, but I don't have the guts to face those backstabbers. They even tried to call me, leaves text messages, and voicemails, same with the rest of the group, but I haven't picked up. I bet my phone was blown up by now.

I've been eating and keeping a good eye on my hygiene, but I've been mostly lying in bed a lot, locked up in my house 24/7. But I can't help it, they hurt me. They know of what happened to me in my past and yet they go ahead and think of some stupid bet to make me blush? They really are idiots.

But it's not just the prank, it's the way of how they treated me; like the touching really.

That's how I was touched by my own dad and other kids from back then, and when I made friends when I was younger they would always use me to get a good laugh out of it. Pretending to be my friend and keeping promises, and then lying to me and breaking those promises the second I start to trust someone. It hurt. A lot. And it took me forever to start trusting people again. Like my friends now, it took me a whole year to trust them with my entire life, but they just ended up being like everyone else in this shit city. They tricked me.

That final thought was interrupted by a knock on my balcony window, making me turn my head to see the guys standing there. I then quickly wiped away my tears and got up from my bed, going over to the window and undid the latch. I opened the glass door, but blocked their to not let them in. "What do you want?" I asked in a small raspy voice, probably because I was crying for so long.

"We wanted to apologize." Swift said.

I only glared, "I don't want your fucking apology. Now leave me alone and let me die in peace." I turned around, closing the door and locking it, then plopped onto my bed again. "I don't care." I mumble, moving onto my side. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep, but then they snapped open again when I heard the lock being undone. The door slid open and many pairs of feet were walking into my room. "I said go away." Instead of getting a reply, someone sat on my bed and telling by their cologne, it was Swift.

"You've been hiding from us and the rest of your friends, Elijah, you haven't been answering our calls and as well as being cooped up in your house. It's not healthy." The leader said.

"So? I'm fine by that. I'd rather be living like this than facing the assholes who completely used me for some sick game." I said.

"Elijah, we want to help you." Swift said, but his words made me shoot up into a sitting position and thrown a fist towards his face, but he caught it in time with no reaction.

"Help me?! All you did was play me like some slutty whore! You're the ones who needs fucking help! What kind of friends are you, huh?! You know what, you deserve to go back to the sewers from where you came from! I wish you guys were never mutated! I wish you guys were never my friends!" I yelled at them, tears falling down my face and body shaking. I was panting from my speech and also glaring at the shocked faces from my fellow mutant colleagues.

Swift had then gently let go of my fist, but I only slapped him in the face. Hard.

"I want you out of my house and away from me. Do you understand?" I commanded sternly in a low voice, shooting everyone a death glare.

"Elijah. We're so sorry we hurt you." I heard Caesar say this time. But I didn't give a damn.

"I don't care if you're sorry. You guys lost my trust. You lost my respect." I looked at them with a straight face and a cold look in my eye. "You've lost my friendship." I said coldly.

The guys had looked shocked once again, but were quickly replaced with hurt and sad expressions.

"Elijah..." Swift said.

"Just go away. Please..." I said my last word in a desperate whisper and with my head down. I wanted them to leave before I start balling my eyes out in front of them. I think they sensed it and Swift got up from my bed, going over to the door of my balcony and sliding it open. The others followed him and jumped out, but Swift stood by the entrance and looking back at me with an apologetic facial expression.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." He said before jumping out, leaving me alone in my once again dark and quiet room. I lied back down again and sighed, finally letting my tears go.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, too." I mumbled and shut my eyes.

Finally, I welcomed the darkness.

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