R.B x Elijah x Sarah (18+)

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Author's P.O.V.

Elijah, Sia, and R.B were all in Elijah's room watching a movie. It was a Friday night and they sometimes have movie night dates when they want to or have the time. Right now, they were watching a horror movie that Elijah has been bragging about for the past week, and since her girlfriends wanted to have a movie date, this was a perfect opportunity. So that is why they are here, with the Punk's eyes glued to the T.V while Sage and Karai had their eyes glued to Elijah.

They barely see her smiling or excited so just watching her reactions from a movie was cute, but also....a turn on. None of them had really done anything 'fun' because of school and Elijah's daily night-patrols with her brothers, so they thought that was a perfect opportunity. Who knows of how much time they'll have together if they lose this chance.

The two Punks knew this movie was important to Elijah, but they were both the tops of this relationship, and they always get what they want, and Elijah always gives in, and later on scolds them for it and then they both have to make it up for her. So they had a feeling that she would get pissed for interrupting her movie, but worth it as well.

They were all laying on her bed, on their stomachs, and staring at the T.V, or at least Elijah was, the other two were acting like they were, and then, they made their move. Sia gave R.B a look, telling her to make a move first, she obliged, and started to kiss Elijah on her right cheek, then slowly moved to her neck.

Elijah groaned, "Not now, R.B." She moved away a bit from her lips and continued to watch her movie. Obviously R.B didn't care and kept continuing her attack. That was when Sia moved in and started to rub and grope Elijah's ass, licking and nibbling Elijah's left pierced ear.

Elijah immediately knew of where this was going and she then sat up, still continuing to watch the movie, but with a pissed-off-look on her face, along with a blush. The two others just chuckled in amusement, knowing that they're getting to her.

The girls then sat up as well, scooting closer to Elijah. "Come on, Eli, don't ignore us." Whispered R.B in a husky voice, moving her hand on Elijah's thigh and slowly moving up.

Elijah took her hand and moved it to her own thigh. "Stop it." She growled in irritation.

"Why though? Don't you want to have fun, baby?" Sia said, doing the same action as R.B, only to have her hand moved to her own thigh.

"Watch the movie."

By this point the two Punks were irritated. They haven't done anything sexy in a few months, and they want to have a night to themselves with their lover, and Elijah knows this, but Sia and R.B are at their limit and they aren't going to have some movie ruin their plans. So now was time for plan B.

R.B grabbed the remote from Elijah's side table and paused the movie, putting the remote back into its original place, but causing Elijah to protest. "Oi, R.B, the hell-!" Elijah was cut off by Sia pushing her down onto her back and then pinning her wrists above her head, moving one hand up Elijah's shirt and fondling her left breast.

R.B moves onto the floor and pulls down Elijah's sweat pants off, her panties being dragged along as well. "Woah- hey guys! What are you-!" Elijah complains but then freezes when she feels a tongue suddenly attack her pussy, moving up and down slowly, causing the Punk to gasp and then bite her lip, trying to hold off her moans.

"It's okay to let those noises of your go, Eli. No one else is home." Sia smirks down at Elijah's reactions, moving her hand to her girlfriend's other breast and then leaving hickeys on her neck.

"Guys! Get off...ngh...fuck..." Elijah was only able to muster out a few things, but the tongue fucking her pussy and mouth sucking her clit was making her weak.

"No can do, baby. You don't want to pay attention to us. We had no choice." Sia said, continuing her assault on the girl's neck.

"Because I wanted to watch the movie. Learn to be patient!" Elijah growled in annoyance, but soon let out another moan.

"We can watch it later. Let's just enjoy our time together." Sia said, leaning down to kiss Elijah.

R.B's movements became more rougher, as she began to bite around Elijah's pussy and her under thighs, licking even faster on her clit and gripping her legs harder, possibly leaving a bruise, but none of them even cared at this moment, even Elijah, who was coming close to a climax soon.

"Ah! R.B! Sia! I'm gonna-! Oh fuck!" Elijah moaned out, moving her hips along with R.B's tongue thrusting. Pretty soon, Elijah orgasmed while moaning her lovers' names. R.B started to slowly lick her pussy to soothe out her orgasm and Sia softly kissed her lips, whispering sweet nothings in her lover's ears , telling her she did a good job.

Elijah was far long from reality, too caught up in the pleasurable bliss of the afterglow. Her body was full of sweat and shaking, her eyes starting to droop out of exhaustion, but she didn't care. She knew it was only her lovers watching her, and they've already seen her most embarrassing states.

"Baby? You tired?" Elijah heard Sia's voice softly coo in her ear, but it only made Elijah snap up into a sitting position with an angry face, shocking her girlfriends.

"You fucking horny mutts! I was watching a movie you dumb bitches!" Elijah yelled at them, leaving them speechless. She then grabbed her covers and threw it over herself, trying to hide in her embarrassment.

All of a sudden, she felt movement on both her sides and then the blanket being moved a little so the girls could scoot in next to her and then cradle her body with their arms around her waist, treating her as if she was a fragile doll, and in their eyes, she was.

Elijah had then felt a kiss on the back of her head, "We're sorry. But we wanted to do it now then wait for who knows how long before we get to hook up like this again." R.B said, nuzzling her face in her lover's hair.

"R.B's right, it's been months since we've seen each other. We were afraid that we would attack somewhere if we waited longer. We'll make it up to you though." Sia said, kissing Elijah's forehead.

"How?" Grumbled out the Punk.

"You're choice." The two girls said in unison.

Elijah took a moment to think, "There's a new horror movie coming out next month. You're paying though."

The two chuckled at her pouting angry face. "It'll be done." Sia said.

Pretty soon, all three girls fell asleep.

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora