Now You Know...

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Description: This oneshot is about the punks going through Elijah's attack to help clean it up and find some old tapes and watch them, bu what they don't know, is that the tapes are about Elijah's tough childhood as a kid. I hope you guys like it. Thank you.

Authors P.O.V.

"So what are we doing exactly?" M.C asked and looked at the female punk in confusion.

"How many times do I have to say it M.C? I asked you guys to come to my house and help clean up my attack. I have some junk I want to get rid of, but there's some stuff that I can't lift up myself, so that's why I need you guys' help." She explained to the group, irritated for having to explain herself so many times.

"Alright, seems easy enough. What do you wanna have taken out?" Swift asked with ease, not really having a problem with the task.

"Follow me." She waved her hand, gesturing them to follow her.

*Time Skip*

"Okay. That should be it, I just need to do something real quick and I'll be back soon, then we'll be all done. How about some pizza after, huh?" Elijah announced to the group.

They all smiled. "Yes! Thank you! That's exactly what I needed." M.C said excitedly.

"Sure, that sounds good. But in the meantime, is there anything else you want us to do, Eli?" Swift asked.

She nodded and pointed to an old cardboard box, "There's some stuff over in that box there, if you guys could look through to see if there's anything fragile in there, then that would be great. After that, you guys can just put them on the shelves here and we'll be done, okay?" The group nodded and Elijah took that as cue to turn around and leave them to it.

Swift knelt down to the box and looked inside, "Hey guys, come check this out." He called for his brothers to look at the old video tapes in the box, all of them having labels that say the date on them. The group looked at each other with confused and curious looks and stared back at the box.

"Lets watch them." Rebel announced out loud and grabbed a tape.

"Wait what? No Rebel, this is probably Eli's personal stuff, we can't just look through her things." Swift protested and tried to grab the tape, but Rebel was a little faster than him and already put him it in an old tape player, the screen turning on by itself.

"Come on Swift, Elijah said keep anything that was fragile and these don't look fragile to me, plus she might not care. She can kick our asses later." He reassured his brother and looked at the TV, his brothers doing the same and sitting on the floor.

"Fine, but if she gets mad at us for this, you're taking the blame." Swift pointed at him.

The hothead rolled his eyes, "Yeah whatever."

And with that, the video started.

It was of a little girl, maybe around 5 or so years old, sitting in her dark bedroom and holding a video camera, there was some yelling in the background.

"Hello diary, this is Elijah Black. It's December 25th and my mommy and daddy are yelling again. I know, it's sad, but hey, it happens to some of us right? But anyways, I just wanted to make this video to feel a bit better. I do this sometimes whenever my parents get drunk and hurt me. They hurt me because I'm a disgrace, a nuisance to them really. I don't want to be a nuisance to them, to anyone. I just want to have a nice Christmas with my family. A family that actually cares about me and loves me. But you know, I believe that there's some people out there that will meet me and love me. There is for everybody, right? I don't know, but I just hope..." She paused, then perked up at a banging noise. "I gotta go, daddy found me again. Goodbye diary. Merry Christmas." And with that, the video ended.

The group was quiet. Just staring at the TV with shocked faces. Rebel then pulled out the tape when it came out of the player and placed in another one.

"Hello diary, it's me. Dad just gave me another beating as always. I guess that's his birthday present to me and I just turned 10 years old." She paused and let out a few tears and a sniffle. She wiped them away quickly and smiled sadly. "Sorry, but it's hard to hold things in and not let them out for a while, but I'm used to it, I have been for some time now, after all... I was born into this family. This family that hates me." She sighed and looked straight into the camera. "Whoever ends up watching this just know, that life isn't perfect for everyone, mine isn't. But you know, you have to be strong, until you can't hold on anymore. I almost lost hope a year ago and tried to end it, but... I just want to hang on a little bit longer to see if my life will get better, no matter how much I have to wait and suffer to know of what will happen next. But what can I say? I'm curious." She smiled softly. "I gotta go. Until next time." The video ended.

The room was silent, like dead silent. The atmosphere was still, no one said a word or moved, Rebel didn't even place in another tape, a little scared of what might come next.

"So now you know." Elijah's voice startled the boys a little and they all turned around to find her standing behind them with no expression on her face. She sighed and knelt down in front of the TV and grabbed the tape, tossing it back into the box.

Swift spoke up softly, "Eli..."

"It's fine, you guys were curious." She cut him off.

"We're sorry we went into your stu-" He tried to apologize, but she cut him off again while turning around to face the four turtles.

"I said it's fine, Swift. You have no right to apologize for the shit you didn't do. You don't have to apologize for me going through a living nightmare I sadly call my childhood. You don't have to apologize for the family I was born into that hated me, underestimated me, hurt me, and fucking wanted me to die. You don't have to apologize for anything because you weren't the one who caused it Swift, they did! They ruined me, they ruined my life and destroyed my childhood!" Elijah yelled, voice starting to crack.

"Eli..." Swift said again.

"Don't you fucking 'Eli' me Swift! I mean, are you guys sorry for looking through my things to somehow get to know me better!? Huh!? Well then I hope you're happy. I hope you guys are finally satisfied with knowing of what kind of life I had back then with those fucking monsters that don't even deserve to be called mom and dad because they were never my parents and they never showed it for a disappointing, slutty disgraceful mistake like me! I just wish that I could go back through time and fucking murder them myself and get payback for what they did to me! I wish that I could make them feel the fear, pain and loneliness that they made me feel! OH TO FUCKING HELL WITH THEM!!!!!" She turned and kicked the TV off of the TV stand.

The room was quiet once again, but all you could really hear was Elijah panting from the yelling and hiccups from her crying. The guys just looked at her in sadness, feeling guilty and sad for what she went through. They didn't mean to hurt her, they didn't know that those tapes were personal. They never wanted to hurt her or bring up any bad memories for her.

Swift then grabbed her shoulder and brought Elijah closer, hugging her from behind. Holding her tightly to comfort the punk and reassure her that they were there for her when she needed them. "It's okay Elijah, it's okay. It's okay." He repeated in her shoulder. She sobbed quietly and hugged his arms.

"Thank you..."

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