The New Guy Has His Eyes On Little Eli (Part 2)

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Authors P.O.V.

"I fucking hate school!" Elijah shouted when she walked behind the school during lunch to meet up with all of her friends. They all stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean? I thought you already hated it." Raph said, but that only made him end up with Elijah's pocket knife landing next to his head and going through the brick wall. That made everyone look at the knife and back at Elijah with shock. Concerned and shocked from the knife throwing at Raph and the pissed off look on the female human's face.

She glared, "Don't get fucking smart with me. There's this new guy in my class and he fucking pisses me off." She growled and walked up to the knife in the wall and grabbed it, pulling it out of the brick and putting it back in her pocket. She then took out a smoke, lit it and inhaled.

"New kid? Oh, you mean that-uh, what's his name? Azazel was it? Is he the one responsible with your red, blushing face, Eli?" Swift smirked at her and Elijah's eyes widened and touched her face.

"Wait what!?" She panicked and Sarah brought out a small mirror in her backpack and showed Elijah her face, which was completely red and blushing like he said. Just seeing herself like that only made her blush more, if it was possible.

"Damn, it's the dudes first day here and he's already gotten you in the palm of his hand. I didn't know that the Elijah Black would be crushing on someone." M.C said cockily with a smirk, making the others chuckle. But Elijah wasn't having it and growled, glaring daggers at him.

"I do NOT have a stupid fucking crush on him. It's his fault for hitting on me and catching me off guard. I fucking hate the guy. He pisses me off and thinks that he can get away with this, oh but how wrong he is. He will regret this." She looked down at her feet, fuming with rage.

"Whoa, easy their killer. Before you go off on your little murder spree here, maybe he only did what he did because he has an interest in you." Donnie suggested and placed a calming hand on her shoulder. Elijah looked at him, confused. "I mean as in he has a crush on you Elijah, but there's nothing wrong with that. Someone actually likes you, isn't that great?" He smiled excitedly at her, but she just had a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh my fucking god! What the fuck is he thinking? Now that is just sick. I-I think I might be sick." She held her mouth and stomach with her hands.

"What's wrong with someone liking you? I know that it's not your thing, Elijah, but come on, you could use that special someone for once in your life, and who knows, you might like him back. He might even change your life a little bit. People who find their soulmate, always tend to turn into completely different people. Like calming you down or something." Mei reassured her with a smile, the others nodding in agreement.

The Punk only looked at her friends like they were crazy. "No thanks, I think I'm good with being just single. And plus, having a soulmate is a lot of work, like you have to save some time to spend with them and do this to make them happy and attend to their sexual needs and all that shit. So no thanks." She said matter-of-factly. The others all had a disappointed look on their faces, they were hoping that Elijah would just understand of what they are trying to say. But they failed miserably.

"Anyways, I gotta go, lunch is almost ending. Later." Elijah said and stomped on her cigarette. As she was walking off, she was only a few feet away when she heard M.C call out to her.

"Have fun with your new boyfriend!" That made her turn around and glare.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend!" She fumed and stomped off into the school.

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