Switching The Bends (Part 2)

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Authors P.O.V.

Today was a regular day for the Street Punks. All they were doing really was just relaxing and doing their own thing, when all of a sudden, Mika (Female!Mikey) came bursting into the lair, home of the Street Punks, with her skateboard, yelling out, "Boo-ya-kaw-shaawwwww!!!!" Turning everyone's attention to her, then came in the rest of Swag, making the punks smile when they all saw their girlfriends.

"Hey guys! Where's Eli!?" Mika said excitedly, hopping off of her skateboard and running into Ghosts' arms, giving her a kiss on the lips to say hello.

(Also, the punks still have their names, but Swag doesn't. Everyone else is not in this, since I'm lazy, but Kate or Kale will be in this soon. Thank you.)

"He's been up in his room all day doing nothing. He's probably texting Kale I'm guessing." Swift suggested, but that only made Mika pout and whine.

"Aww, but I wanted to see him. It's been forever since I've seen Elijah after all of the work we've been doing at Hamato Records for the past week." She placed a hand on her hip, showing a disappointed look on her face.

The punks only smiled, "We know, but you know Eli, he likes to hide and such. He's secretive and likes to keep things to himself. But I'm sure he'll come around." Rebel reassured the group. Then, they all heard a door open and close, knowing exactly who it is.

They all gave each other a look, all of them knowing what to do and rushed into the living room, acting casual while Mika was hiding.

They were going to scare Elijah.

When Elijah came down the last step, he walked over to the couch, then from under the staircase, Mika pounced onto Elijah's back, wrapping her arms around his neck and doing the same thing with her legs around his waist. But what was weird was that Elijah had no expression on his face, he didn't even react when the turtle attacked him. It was like it didn't even happen. Everyone's eyes widened and mouth hung open a gap of how calm Elijah was being.

"Could you get off of me?" He asked in a bored tone, looking miserable.

She then slipped off of him and the punk walked over to the girls and sat on the couch, switching on the T.V.

"Damn, how did you know she was there?" Layla (female!Leo), asked, sounding surprised.

"She does this to me every time you guys come over, so I'm used to it. Plus she was breathing loudly." He replied.

Swift huffed, "Okay, that's it. Splinter needs to stop teaching stuff that we're also supposed to know, too." She announced, angry that Elijah always goes to Mistress Splinter for extra technique lessons. He wanted to get a head a little bit for training and other future situations. Like this for example.

"Well then come to the lessons, I don't care." He sighed, sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote from the coffee table, switching through the channels when finally setting on one.

Just then, Kale walked in, "Elijah!?" He called out in a cheerful voice as always.

That made Elijah smile. His boyfriend is here.

And with that thought, he got up from the couch and walked over to his boyfriend, hugging him when they were able to reach each other. Kale giggled in happiness, missing the feeling of his boyfriend's arms around him and engulfing him in his warmth.

They loved each other so much that they couldn't get enough of each other.

Elijah then grabbed Kale's hand, dragging him into his bedroom to have some 'fun'.

"Those two cannot get enough of each other even after one day of being split apart." Rebel spoke up.

"Yeah, but that's what I call an unbreakable bond right there." Swift confessed, smiling and feeling happy for the two gay lovebirds.

So what do ya think? I actually didn't have a good idea planned, so I just thought of something, but I hoped you liked it. Comment down below for any ideas of your own, question, comments, and all that shit.

Thank you!

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