Be Mine (Part 2)

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Author's P.O.V.

It's been about a week since the Hamato Record incident and Elijah hasn't been a happy camper. I mean, could you blame her?

She constantly has to see Ashley and Azazel holding hands or smiling happily together, or hear around the school of how cute they look together. But the thing that she really Ashley.

Don't think that Elijah had missed the constant smug or cocky smirks that she gets from Ashley whenever the group isn't looking. Ashley is still Elijah's bully, she's only being nice and becoming friends with them to, one, date Azazel because she likes him, and two, she wants to become even more popular by being around Swag and the Street Punks.

Elijah sees right through her, but she doesn't bother to point it out because she doesn't want her friends to think that she was being a bitch and trying to get rid of Ashley, but also she wants her friends to see her true self for themselves. Even though most of them can be thick-headed and oblivious.

Anyways, right now Elijah was grabbing her history books for her History class when she felt a presence standing next to her. But she didn't need to turn around to see of who it was.

"Hey El El." The annoying slutty voice said in happiness. Ashley.

The punk doesn't say anything and only closed her locker, grabbing her bag and started walking down the hallway.

"Hey wait up!" The voice called out and a pair of high heels were being smacked against the tile floor. When Ashley had finally caught up to her, she said, "Why are you in such a bad mood?" She asked with fake concern for the punk.

"Leave me alone." Elijah grumbled out in irritation.


Elijah had stopped in her tracks with Ashley slamming into her back. The punk then turned around with a fierce glare being pointed in the girl's way, making her flinch a bit.

"You might have everyone else fooled but you haven't to me. I can see right through your little scam, you blonde whore." Elijah snapped.

Ashley just stood there with slightly widened eyes, but then her face turned from shocked to smug and evil. "Very smart."

"If you're just gonna use my friends for your own reputation then just leave us alone." Elijah said in anger.

Ashley had then let out a dark laugh, "Oh El El, it's not just that, I really do like Azazel, and I know that you like him too." That surprised the punk. She noticed?


"Don't play dumb, I've seen of how you look at us with such jealousy, and also the stares you give him during class, which I'm not quite pleased of. So you better step down." She warned, but this time Elijah barked out a laugh.

"Excuse me? But who do you think you are to tell me of what to do around my friends?"

"Because take a good look at what position you're in and of where I am. Who do you think will win?" The slut had then started to circle the punk like a hawk, "I'm with Azazel so of course he would be all protective over me, and your friends find you as the cold-hearted punk who doesn't have feelings for anyone, and I'm the complete opposite, well, in their eyes." Ashley said.

She was right, if Elijah goes off to tell the others of what Ashley really is planning, the bitch will just go off whining and lying to Azazel and create fake wounds with makeup to make it look like that Elijah had hit her, so she really was in a tight place, and she was pissed.

"Why can't you just leave me alone..." Elijah trailed off in a whisper, looking down at her feet.

"Hm? What did you say?" Ashley asked.

"I said," She rose her head up to stare at the girl with a murderous glare. The punk had then violently pushed the girl against the lockers, "Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone!?"


That voice made Elijah freeze in her place, slowly turning her head to stare at Azazel, her brothers, Swag, and the rest of their friends.

"Let her go." Azazel said in a scarily calm voice, walking towards the two.

"Azazel I-" The punk tried to explain but she was pushed and Ashley was brought to his chest.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled at her, "Look, I understand that you aren't happy with us being together and maybe you guys had a falling out from before, but that's in the past. Now you're being the bully." His words made the punk freeze and same with everyone else. They have never seen Azazel so mad before since he's always so chill and calm.

"Azazel, I know that bitch better than anyone else, she's just using you guys for her title, she doesn't care about you! You really think I would hurt her if I didn't have a reason?!" Elijah yelled back.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that you were the one who attacked her first! I don't want you near her! And in fact, you shouldn't be around any of us if you don't stop this jealous business!"

"Who ever said I was jealous of some whore!?!"


It was now dead silent in the hallway, Elijah was trying to hold in her tears and shaking with anger and heartbreak.

Azazel had then taken a moment to process of what he just said, "Oh God, Elijah, I-I didn't mean-"

"NO YOU DID MEAN IT!!! AND IF YOU GUYS CARE ABOUT HER THEN HOW ABOUT I DO ALL OF YOU A FAVOR AND DISAPPEAR!!??!?" And with that, she ran down the hall, a few tears escaping.

"Wait Elijah!" Azazel and the others had called out for her, but it was too late, she was already outside of the school and racing down the road on her motorcycle.

Azazel had let go of Ashley a few minutes before his argument with the punk started, but he couldn't focus on anything but the punk who was already long gone from the school.

"Baby, why don't we go to class, yeah?" She asked, grabbing his arm, but he only yanked it away to slap her in the face, glaring at her.

"What Elijah said, was it true?"

"W-Why is this towards me all of a sudden!?" She defended.

"Just answer the question you bitch." Shinigami had then spoke, stepping forward.

It went silent once again, Ashley looked like she was about to kill someone and the others were just glaring at her. But finally she spoke up with a smirk.

"At last you figured it out, but honestly I just wanted have my fun with that black-hearted bitch." That earned her a punch to the nose by April.

"Talk about our friend again and you will not hear the end of us kicking your ass." And with that, the red-head and the rest of the group all went out to their cars and motorbikes to head back home to the lair.

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